


9 months, 18 days ago


When Kele fell out of his nest when he was very young, Sensor found him in the middle of the forest and took him in. And even despite not having wings, Sensor was even able to teach Kele how to fly better than any bird in Sakura. But when Sensor was blinded for unknown reasons, Kele became over protective of Sensor and wasn’t able to take care of himself. Kele couldn’t take care of a full grown blind Rapterian and himself at the same time so he asked Queen Media to let Sensor stay in her kingdom and she kindly accepted. Kele was upset that he didn’t have Sensor to look after him anymore and had to leave the nest but he was also happy that Sensor was surrounded by friends to take care and provide for him. Now Kele needed to know how he was going to work and provide for himself. He works with Sensor and Queen Media but he is also trying to figure out who his birth mother is. He works as a mail and scroll delivery bird, Probably the only one in sakura.