


10 months, 4 days ago


(TW: mentions of death and disease)

Lucille Magissa was an ex-military weapon during a century-long war. She soon became known as the infamous "Iron Maiden". With little civil experience and a strained social image, Lucille resides in

Undeniably, the porcelain woman has a tragic past and a dreadful future. Lucille was born a half-elf raised by her mother in Cestros. She spent her whole mortal life fighting an illness (TB). To combat her grief, Lucille's mother built a warforged vessel in hopes to tether her daughter's soul, which subsequently lead to her death. Now, with an immortal existence, little civil experience and a strained social image, Lucille curses at the gods and holds her blade to anything good in the world. She isn't living, just merely surviving. Surviving meant being complicit and useful. Lucille's soul binding remains a mystery - and to inventors, she was a miracle. That would be her fate, poked and prodded, feared and isolated. Until... she meets a certain harpy named "Pumpkin".