Gale Zeppeli



10 months, 1 day ago

Basic Info

Gale Zeppeli, 17, She/Her


A loud, impulsive teen whose idea of a good time is skating upon public property or causing issues for other stand users. Gale has a difficultly time expressing her true emotions, she is so used to keeping them to herself. So, at most she hyper, and when’s she’s not, she is more frustrated. No in between, as she fears her own worries and despair would only cause her weakness.As the grew, she became more bitter, more quiet. Her father absent most of the time, going away on trips for his career; for days, weeks even months. Gale had become a provider for her siblings. Taking care of the household by cooking, and cleaning, making sure they were raised correctly. Her Aunt had offered to do it in multiple occasions, but Gale was stubborn, declining it, knowing that the woman had her own children to worry about. Gale only allowed her uncle to manage the families fundings, and as well as the business they held for their vineyard. Seven years she had jumped watched her siblings, but, the day she turned 14, her spirit broke. Her father had showed no appreciated, always expects more. I’m a act of rebellion, Gale had ran away, leaving everything behind. Six months she had lived out on her own. Using cash she had taken from her families vault; living in train cars, and old sheds. Only using what she could for food. At some point, she ended up in England, and in England, she stumbled upon an old family friend: Joseph Joestar. She knew who he was, and he knew her, and by that, she attempted to avoid him. It was futile. He caught her. With worry he questioned her, and without receiving a proper response, he let it go. After a night at an old inn, Joseph has decided; Gale will be under his wing.

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Design notes
•Sun symbolism for Hamon•
•Headband; Reference to Ceasar•
•Hair short in back, two long braids framing her face.•
•Light blue crop top, darker blue band above her abdomen.•

•Stand: Golden Chalices. represented by the Two of Cups card•
•Faceclaim/inpsiration: Wynona Weaver. Namesake: Galileo, Italian Philospoher, Astronomer, and mathematician.•
•Debuts in SDC, as an (OC) representative of the Zeppeli Family•

•Visiting local monuments/museums•

•Being patronized•

Gale Zeppeli
Galilea Zeppeli
Human (Stand User)