


8 months, 9 days ago


Rafael Savas 

Savas is the Lord of the city of Nighcross, a sprawling city of supernatural beings hidden from outsiders. He is a vampire

‘Savas is a dark and rather enigmatic figure who is feared and respected by all in the supernatural population of Nighcross. He has been ruling the city for decades, with an iron fist and a strict sense of justice. Savas is known for his coolheaded and impassive demeanor. He has a private and mysterious aura about him, and rarely lets people into his inner circle. Savas is a calculating and intelligent leader, always one step ahead of his opponents. He may be strict, but his actions are done out of genuine care and responsibility for the kingdom he leads’


Rafael Savas was born into privilege, the son of the vampire lord who ruled over the city of Nighcross. He was raised with the expectation of supporting his elder brother Javier when he was to take position as lord of Nighcross, and he was trained in the arts of court and strategy from a young age.

However, when he was still a teenager, Savas's father, Lord Alvaro Savas of Nighcross and brother Javier were slain by a notorious group of vampire hunters. Savas was grief-stricken and consumed by a desire for revenge. He vowed to rebuild his father's city and to wipe out the vampire hunters who had destroyed his family, thrust into his seat as Lord.

In the wake of his father's death, Nighcross had fallen into chaos. Savas took it upon himself to bring the city back from the brink, using his tactical brilliance and ruthless determination. He rallied the remaining vampires and established his dominance over the city, ruling with a strict but just hand.

Over the years, Savas has transformed Nighcross into a powerful and prosperous city, with a thriving supernatural population. But despite his success, he remains a private and enigmatic figure, with few close allies or confidantes. Savas's past has left him scarred, both physically and emotionally, and he is driven by a desire for revenge against those who took his family from him.


- Savas has a sister, a vampiric witch named Elisa who lives in the mountains outside Nighcross

- Everyone calls him by his last name. The only one allowed to call him Rafael is his longtime family friend Camila, an elven woman who took him in after his father died

- He can go out in the sun, he just needs an umbrella and to be very careful