


5 years, 10 months ago


Name: Mudkip

Age: 19

Race: Triton

Class: Sorcerer ( of the Sea )

Mudkip is one of the many characters on my growing list of NPC's from Ashvalur.

Mudkip has a little bit of a sad story. Like all the others he got copied into the game, but where he finally thought himself to be free from bullies he was rather quickly found by people doing it all over again. He spends most of his time in the waters and canals in and around Amsterdam hiding, swimming. He does have a crush on Carys, a played character, who is also a triton. He met her during the easter-egg hunt, and has been hoping to run into her more often.

Appearance-wise Mudkip is 5'4 tall, is a little bit chubby ( but adorable ) and even though he's a mage type sticks to clothing that are easy for moving in and, of course, swimming. He's got black hair, a blue skin, and is a bit alike that nerdy kid in school that is always picked last in gym class.