


9 months, 3 days ago



The Cognizant Class Elder, Aristotle has excellent humor about the warcrimes he commits weekly. He's rarely found on the ground, preferring to perch on highbeams or even tables so he can stare down at everyone. Despite his upsetting intelligence and social influence, he is physically fragile and will avoid participating in conflict; Thanatos is his right-hand-man and handles dirty work. While other Cognizants have their specialized fields, Aristotle is the picture of "cartoon mad scientist," displaying prowess in anything you ask of him.

Despite being the youngest Elder Cor, he throws his status around and is considered extremely irritating. One should assume he is trying his best impression of "worst guy you know made an excellent point." He pesters Cicero, the Conduit Elder, as often as he can see her. It's said she's the only one who hasn't admitted he's done anything important and the lack of approval eats him alive. Good.

Rumor has it that he has replaced part of himself with machinery. When asked, he insists he "bleeds the same blood as the rest of you" and "becoming a cyborg is not on [his] to-do list." He refuses to elaborate on what his to-do list entails.