


9 months, 23 days ago



Full name Liu Lizhi
Alias LYCHEE (Stage name)
Gender Female (she/her)
Age 20
Birthday November 8th
Height 162cm (5'3")
Species Monkey
Human (On-stage; disguised)


Former child actress turned solo-idol. Her mother Keke is a famous movie star and the one responsible for getting her involved with the entertainment industry at a young age.

Lizhi's been an idol since she was 14 and has amassed quite the following since. Her on-stage persona is that of an upbeat, energetic and optimistic mood maker, she also uses a stage name—"LYCHEE"—and alters her appearance to look human via magic.

In truth, although she hides it well, she's extremely misanthropic. Having been in the industry for as long as she can remember, she's lost any and all passion for acting and entertaining and sees the worst in everything. When she's not disguised as LYCHEE, she's quite bitter and unfriendly, at times even outright hostile towards others.


Fascinated by theater and film, Lizhi once wanted nothing more than to become a movie star herself. Her ambitions were pure and genuine, and she dreamed of one day being as renowned as her mother.

Keke, recognizing Lizhi's potential, got her involved with the entertainment industry at a young age, leading to her career as a child actress. It should be noted that the public doesn't know she and her mother are non-humans—Keke too has always been using magic to alter her appearance. She was a quite popular child actress, however this was only due to the fact that she's the Keke's daughter, and not actually because of her talent for acting. Lizhi eventually came to realize this, becoming disillusioned with the industry and wanting to quit altogether, but Keke forced her into staying in it, so she chose to instead become an idol, which—while still part of the industry—would allow her to step out of her mothers' shadow and actually be recognized for her talent. During the following years, standing on stage as LYCHEE, she was exposed to some of the more unpleasant parts of showbiz, which only furthered her disillusionment.

As an idol, she is equal parts cute and elegant, and even though she no longer particularly enjoys being one, she does think very highly of her talent as a performer—the best of the best, in fact. She acts somewhat bossy with her staff, as she always aims for a flawless show. Also—she wasn't always a solo idol like she is now. Initially, she was actually part of a three-person unit, but she frequently got into fights with the other two, who found her perfectionist tendencies and seemingly self-centered attitude exhausting to deal with, so this only lasted for a short time.


  • Big sweaters
  • Cotton candy
  • Metal music


  • Showbiz
  • Overly high-spirited people
  • Having to work with others




Complicated. On one hand, Lizhi loves and admires her mother and greatly appreciates all that Keke has done for her. On the other, she hates her for overshadowing her and not letting her live her own life.



She was once just another fan of hers, and her attitude irritated Lizhi at first, but Sav has since become an irreplaceable friend to her, always there to lift her up.



Former unitmate. Although they had difficulty cooperating back then, Lizhi acknowledges how far she has come since then.



Former unitmate. Just like Cherry, Lizhi has come to respect Stella as an idol.

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