
8 months, 19 days ago


ninteen moons
the equinox
she / her

Dear Brutus is not in our stars, but in ourselves, that we are underlings within.

Made to be the muse of Solis and Nox, Lucian was a she-cat born with the mark of the sun. This, which shook The Equinox, left the clan in gobsmacked shock. For her brother, Lucian's twin, Lychinus, was born with the mark of the moon. Two cats with a leadership marking was unheard of, certainly it was never done before, especially with one of the sun, and one of the moon. With heavy hearts, the clan turned to their gods for answers, and while a message was sent, the results were haunting.

One was to die, the other was to rule.

While the prophecy delievered was kept as a secret from Lucian and Lychinus, Lucian was aware something was different from an early age, before they were informed of their pre-determined fate. Along with this, Lucian was treated differently, as the mark of the sun wasn't an honorable one. Solis was known as power hungry, destructive and the bringer of the end. Lucian was distrusted early on, outshined by her brother, even in kithood. The pair was arguably close regardless of this, though Lucian began to harbor silent jealousy.

It wasn't until they were both made apprentices at an early four moons that they were told of the prophecy.

At the moon's twenty fifth cycle, one will weep, the other immortalized within the stars. Fire will engulf the night, a victor made to stand tall. Kin poised against kin, the one true superior will rise, though both will fall.

Lucian and Lychinus were distraught to hear of such a thing, but as her brother denied and protested, quietly, Lucian felt her purpose was made known to her now. She was to lead, to rule. The era of the sun would return to The Equinox, Lucian would coax the flames of Solis's power. She was responsible, born with a natural compass for logic, Lucian will sieze the position of The Superior, gaining the praise her brother appeared more deserving of.


L ucian is a logical, less than talkative molly who's driven by her goals. Her determination is what beckons her body to move, it fuels every pawstep, one after the other. She's hard working, constantly seen training or discussing with her mentor. Lucian doesn't waste time socializing with the members of The Equinox, she isn't treated as someone deserving of full respect, so why would she bother? Fueled by this, Lucian craves power, she has became the thing the cursed marking of the sun has bid her, hungry for strength. She's ambitious to an extreme fault, while it pushes her to work hard, it consumes her, the yearning for Lucian's dream possesses her thoughts. She's extremely intelligent, and though she doesn't speak too much, Lucian is witty, her remarks often coming as a surprise. She's always managing to try and outsmart her mentor during their training, which humors him well. When the time for training is over, and Lucian is free for the smallest bit in time, she's seen at her brother's side. Many think she's doing something ungenuine, or plotting, but rather, she just prefers to spend time with her brother, whom she cares for deeply, despite the jealousy that flares.


optimist. pessimist.
introvert. extrovert.
daredevil. cautious.
chaotic. predictable.
logical. emotional.
messy. organized.
honest. deceiving.
leader. follower.
affectionate. stoic.
stubborn. yielding.
grounded. dreamer.
cooperative. lone wolf.
moves on. stays in the past.
perm homed

— Lean, lilthe and thin, Lucian appears a bit frail, but she's actually the opposite. Due to her agility, there isn't a lot of muscle mass, but she doesn't require much either, due to her ability.
— Lucian is just slightly taller than your average cat, though this is barely noticeable.

— Medium-furred. Lucian's tail and her head + her neck/throat have the longest fur. On the sides of her head, it appears her face fur is braided.
— Lucian's pelt is mainly a soft whiteish cream color, equip with a light brown and waves of slight, deep blues.

— Lucian's face is mainly a shade of blue, with slight, whiteish freckles and a crackle of the same warm white running down her nose bride, all the way to her muzzle.
— Her features are soft, yet pointed to some degree.

— Inherited from her mother, Lucian's eyes are a deep orange, almost red, appearing as flames which smolder like the sun's surface. Around her eyes, a light, wing-like pattern surrounds the area.

— Scattered in her fur, Lucian's pelt is decorated with red flower petals.
— Nearly, if not the same shade of red, Lucian wears a butterfly wing on one side of her head.

  • Is mostly an off-white color.

  • Has blues scattered among the normal pelt color.

  • Fur on top of her head is braided. This hides a sun marking is on her forehead (not visible in design).

  • She's medium furred, though in some areas, it doesn't appear as such.

  • Barely taller than average.

  • Has smooth, almost round features. Muzzle is more narrow, though not long.

  • Sports orange eyes..

  • Tail is rather long, assists with balance while running.

  • art

  • lots of love

  • idk

  • idk

  • be odd


murder !
bad parenting
odd spirits?
other dark themes

TL;DR: Summary.

  • As Lilitu, the leader of The Equinox conspired with a spirit, she angered the gods with her foolishness.

  • In order to punish her, Solis and Nox aimed for where it'd hit hard, her kits.

  • Lucian and Lychinus were given their marks of leadership at the same time, which was entirely unheard of.

  • Becoming increasingly jealous of the attention her brother recieved, Lucian began to grapple with envy.

  • Guilt plauged her until Lucian let herself come to the realization she had to do it, she had to kill her brother and break the promise they shared to run away together. Now, her main goal has become to win in the battle for position of superior.

quick, light blows, until the enemy's tired
indifferent, unless met with hostility
short range
champion of Solis
..Maybe my name could also be known. That I helped return good to the people, and restored greatness to Rome.

With her fast speed, Lucian will maintain distance between her and the enemy. Quickly, she'll weave in and out of a close range, jabbing teasingly with purpose until the opponent is exhausted. After the signs of tiredness show, Lucian will committ to a close-up battle.

With heavy hits few and sparce, Lucian will strike powerfully. She doesn't do this often, only when the opening is there, and the time is right. Otherwise, she'd be the one exhausted, leading to a defeat.

the ruler
the reformer
lawful neutral
the fool, reversed

I too have a destiny, this death will be art, the people will speak of this day, near and afar. This event will be history.


  • Originally, I made her on a whim after winning a bidding war :3. I'm just too cool to loose.

  • I used her for a warrior cats discord server but she had very different plot, she's very different here. Heart you Lucian.

  • Lucian has a soft spot for fish! Often, when she has a spare moment, she'll sneak away to a twoleg's garden, admiring and watching the koi fish swim through a small pond. Due to her fondness for the scaled animals, she often refuses to eat fish.

  • Lucian was gifted the red butterfly wing she wears by her brother, Lychinus, on the day their apprenticeship began.

  • Ut maximus mauris ex, quis feugiat metus venenatis quis. Cras quis lorem nec felis fermentum fermentum. Nunc a dui a libero sagittis lacinia.

  • Nullam et leo aliquet arcu egestas porttitor. Mauris tellus mauris, finibus id vestibulum nec, laoreet non sapien. Mauris id arcu dapibus, maximus eros eu, pulvinar ante. Donec dictum pulvinar erat, eget lobortis ex varius sit amet. Aenean accumsan eu orci in ultrices.

  • Nulla id metus vitae metus rhoncus sagittis. Aliquam dictum quam ac venenatis tincidunt. Vestibulum egestas elit sit amet est sollicitudin, nec sollicitudin orci pellentesque. Vivamus volutpat nisi sed purus egestas, sed pretium ligula volutpat. Vivamus felis ante, pharetra a maximus sed, mollis vitae nisi. Donec mattis tortor nec diam pellentesque, sed euismod ligula efficitur.
