


8 months, 6 days ago


Lover Is a Day

"Time waits for no one, except when I'm around. Just a little perk of being me."

Name: Eudaemonia
Nickname: Dai
Titles: Trickster Demon, Mistress of Mischief
Age: Young adult
Gender: Female
Species: Demon Realm Race
Orientation: Bisexual
Relationship status: In a relationship
Occupation: Wizard
Alternate Forms: Demonic power-up

Eudaemonia, hailing from the Demon Realm, is a trickster wizard known for her chaotic tendencies and ability of time manipulation. Driven by an insatiable curiosity and a thirst for adventure, she finds herself stranded on Earth.

Character Sheet


Anima True self
When she's truly being herself, she exhibits a playful and carefree demeanor. She values her freedom and delights in the company of others, cherishing moments of genuine connection. While she still enjoys chaos and pranks, they are not her sole focus, and she often expresses a softer, more empathetic side when interacting with others.
Persona First Impression
She amplifies her chaotic and mischievous tendencies. She may appear more reckless and destructive, embracing chaos as her primary objective. This persona serves as a mask to conceal her deeper emotions and vulnerabilities, allowing her to maintain a sense of mystery and unpredictability in her interactions with others.

  • Playing pranks
  • Collecting trinkets
  • Unusual foods
  • Learning powerful spells
  • Being restricted or confined
  • Boredom and Routine
  • Order and rules

Personal Characteristics
Birth Date: Unknown
Birth Place: Demon Realm
Primary Objective: Primary Objective: To explore and satisfy her curiosity by seeking out the most chaotic and interesting phenomena, while trying to find a place to fit in.
Secondary Objectives:
  1. To prank powerful beings and cause mischief without getting caught.
  2. To collect rare and unusual trinkets
  3. To learn powerful spells and increase her magical abilities.
Desires: Eudaemonia desires freedom to roam and explore, as well as the thrill of causing chaos wherever she goes.
Quirks: She has an insatiable appetite for unusual foods and enjoys collecting odd trinkets and artifacts from her travels. She also has a tendency to talk to herself when planning pranks or spells.

Mental Characteristics
Known Languages: Fluent in the demonic language of her realm and has a basic understanding of common languages spoken in the Dragon Ball universe, such as Earth's languages.
Lures: Is drawn to anything that promises excitement, chaos, or mystery. She can't resist exploring forbidden places or uncovering hidden secrets.
Savvies: Is very familiar with using her magic for various purposes, such as illusions, teleportation, and elemental spells. She is also skilled at using her time-pausing ability to pull off elaborate pranks.
Ineptities: Struggles to understand the concept of rules and order, finding them stifling or nonsensical. She might also be inept at understanding mundane or logical explanations for things that can be solved with magic.
Temperament: Dai's temperament aligns with the choleric personality type. She is energetic, adventurous, and often acts on impulse, driven by her curiosity and desire for excitement.
Hobbies: Dai enjoys practicing her magical abilities, particularly experimenting with new spells and creating elaborate pranks. She also finds joy in causing mischief and chaos wherever she goes.

Intellectual Characteristics
Logical-Mathematical: Dai's mathematical abilities are average for her species, but she excels in using logic to plan and execute pranks or chaotic schemes.
Spatial: She has a strong spatial sense, as her ability to create chaos and navigate environments would benefit from being able to visualize spaces and movements.
Linguistic: She's unfamiliar with earth idioms and customs.
Bodily-Kinesthetic: She's adept at handling objects, as her pranks and use of magic would require precision and coordination.
Musical: She appreciates the chaotic and unpredictable nature of certain musical compositions.
Interpersonal: Vary on the situation. Mostly average, but as a trickster, she has a knack for reading people and understanding their vulnerabilities, which she can exploit to her advantage in her pranks. However, her chaotic nature also makes her interactions unpredictable and sometimes challenging for others to understand.
Intrapersonal: She's used with solitude and introspection. Choosing a life of freedom led her to spend much time alone.
Naturalistic: She awes in the unpredictability of nature.
Existential: Average unless her curiosity leads her to ponder existential questions in her spare time.

Social Characteristics
Relationships: Enjoys the company of other curious and adventurous individuals, but can be a loner at times. She may form genuine connections with individuals who intrigue her or offer unique opportunities for adventure.
Emotional Stability: She has a high level of emotional stability. She can withstand a lot of emotional inflictions before breaking.
Humor: She finds humor in chaos, pranks, and dark or twisted situations. She enjoys jokes that play on people's expectations or reveal absurdities in everyday life.
Reputation: In the demon realm she has the reputation of a troublemaker, untrustworthy and unpredictable. Although some find her entertaining.

  • She can't resist a good pun, no matter how groan-worthy. For her, the worst puns are the best puns.
  • Earth languages are a somewhat of a struggle for her. She might mix idioms, confuse proverbs, and often ends up saying the opposite of what she means. She once tried to "break the ice" by throwing a snowball at someone's head.
  • Eudaemonia can't resist a shiny trinket, but touching certain ancient artifacts triggers unpredictable reactions. One time, a cursed amulet turned her hair neon green for a week, while another made her speak only in limericks for 24 hours.
  • Despite her exterior, Eudaemonia has a soft spot for animals, especially those typically seen as gross or creepy. She's the type of person to scoop up a spider and release it outside rather than kill it.

  • Mastery of Magic: Eudaemonia is highly skilled in the use of magic, allowing her to cast powerful spells.
  • Time Manipulation: With her power to pause time in short periods, Eudaemonia can gain the upper hand in battles or escape tricky situations.
  • Prankster Expertise: Eudaemonia's love for pranks gives her a slight advantage at devising cunning schemes and outsmarting her opponents.
  • Quick Reflexes: Eudaemonia possesses swift reflexes, enabling her to react swiftly to danger.
  • Vulnerability to Counter-Magic: Despite her proficiency in magic, Eudaemonia is susceptible to counter-spells or magical attacks from more experienced magic users.
  • Impulsiveness: Dai's impulsive nature may cause her to act recklessly without considering the consequences, putting herself and others in danger.
  • Limited Time Manipulation: She can only pause time in short periods, making her vulnerable once the effect wears off.

Signature move Temporal Pause
Usign the power of the relic, Eudaemonia can slow time enough to pause it. She can use this ability for short periods of time, usually seconds. Comes in handy to pull off pranks.

Can only pause time for a few seconds at a time to avoid serious side effects on herself, she can force her power for a slightly longer time but it comes with great damage to her body. Even if she trains her body, her ability to pause time has defined limits.

The more frequently she uses her power, the greater the strain on her body and mind, requiring rest and recovery.

Design Notes

  • Her hair is wavy/curly
  • Her bangs should be curls or have a curl shape at the tips
  • Her hair has a lighter gradient along the tips
  • Strong hair highlights can be yellow
  • She has hair horns (strands of hair resembling horns)
  • She has yellow slit pupils and yellow sclera, her iris is the same color as her hair
  • She has sharp nails
  • She wears yellow gold jewelry
  • She doesn't have a small waist
  • She has hip dips
  • She has sharp teeth

Eudaemonia is a young adult female demon with a striking appearance. She has magenta eyes with yellow pupils that gleam with mischief and curiosity. She likes to use eyeshadow, giving her eyes some depth as they're framed with her spiky lashes. Her hair is a vibrant shade of magenta, cut in a short a and slghtly messy style, as two strands of hair on top of her head spike up in the form of horns. Her skin is a shade of blue common among the Demon Realm Race. She is of average height, with a slightly toned build.

Scroll down for TLDR


Eudaemonia was born into a world where magic reigned supreme. She quickly developed a fascination with the unpredictable, the chaotic and the wicked. As she grew, she craved something more – freedom, adventure, and the thrill of the unknown. Spells became her playground, and soon, her name was whispered with both disdain and admiration: the Prankster Demon, the Mistress of Mischief.

However, this playfulness often masked a creeping loneliness. Shunned by some for her rebellious spirit and deemed untrustworthy by others, Eudaemonia found solace in pushing boundaries and testing limits. Her pranks, while questionable bby societal norms, were often a way to connect with others, even if it meant eliciting a negative reaction.

But her thirst for knowledge led her to dangerous paths. Her explorations often landed her in precarious situations, teetering on the edge of disaster with a mischievous grin. While some demons saw her as a daredevil, others grumbled about her reckless ways, branding her a troublemaker. This, however, only fueled Eudaemonia's fire.


One day, whispers reached Eudaemonia about a prophecy – an artifact hidden within the Demon Realm, rumored to possess the power to manipulate the fabric of time. The prophecy stated that the artifact would only reveal itself to a determined soul, someone worthy of its power. Driven by a mix of curiosity, ambition, and a desire to prove herself, Eudaemonia embarked on a perilous quest to find the artifact.

However, the deeper she ventured, the more a gnawing doubt began to surface. Was she truly worthy? Was her desire for knowledge simply a selfish yearning for power disguised as curiosity? She doubted herself, picturing a moment where she finally reached the artifact's chambers and found nothing.

The path to the artifact was fraught with danger, testing Eudaemonia's determination and intelligence. She outsmarted cunning guardians, navigated treacherous landscapes, and faced trials that pushed her to the brink. Each challenge she faced solidified her resolve. This wasn't just about acquiring power; it was about proving her worth, carving her own destiny.


Finally, after overcoming seemingly insurmountable obstacles, she stood before the artifact, a mesmerizing black sphere adorned with intricate gold, with an onix center. Bathed in an ethereal glow, the relic pulsed with an energy that resonated with her very being. As she reached out to claim it, a wave of power surged through her. She felt ecstatic, all her hard work had finally paid off, she would finally be recognized for her genius and ability. She wouldn't be just a troublemaker anymore.

Hovewer, as time went on, the power got to her head. Her playful tricks morphed into elaborate plans that bordered on cruelty. Her thirst for knowledge turned into an insatiable hunger, pushing her towards reckless experiments that endangered not only herself but also those around her. Her harmless pranks, once a way for her to attempt to bring people together, were just a shadow of her now unhinged schemes.

She found herself cast out, branded as a traitor, a thief. With a desperate heave, Eudaemonia hurled herself through a shimmering portal, the artifact's power ripping her away from the only home she'd ever known. She emerged on a strange, sunlit realm - Earth.


But freedom came at a price. Landing with a thud on foreign soil, she realized the true cost of her actions, a powerful spell slammed shut, locking away her magic, her memories, her very essence. Eons (or maybe just a few centuries, who could tell?) slipped by, and Eudaemonia slumbered, forgotten by both the Demon Realm and the human world. The artifact, once a beacon of hope, lay dormant, mirroring her own.

Then, in a twist of fate, the seal on her powers began to crack. Eudaemonia stirred, confused and disoriented, in a world that felt alien yet strangely familiar. A wave of panic swept through her as fragments of her past tormented her mind. Holding the artifact in her hands, she never imagined the power would've corrupted her the way it did. Her heart ached, that wasn't what she was meant to be. She enjoyed chaos, yes, but what she really craved deep within was freedom, knowledge, and most importantly, a place to call home.

Her magic, once a raging inferno, sputtered like a dying ember. Yet, the spark of curiosity remained, embers waiting to be fanned. She realized this was her opportunity to rewrite her story, on Earth, where no one has ever heard her name. Driven by a renewed sense of purpose and a thirst for rediscovery, Eudaemonia ventures forth. She seeks to reclaim her memories, hone her magic, and unravel the secrets of the artifact. But beneath the surface, a dull ache throbbed - the pain of exile, the sting of betrayal. Still, Eudaemonia, the Prankster Demon, the Mistress of Mischief, refused to be broken.

Now determined to prove herself worthy of the artifact's power, her ultimate quest remained: to explore, to learn, to push the boundaries of the unknown, no matter where the path may lead. Maybe, just maybe, it would lead her back to the Demon Realm, but should she seek redemption or revenge, only time will tell. But for now, her new life awaited her on Earth.


Eudaemonia, a demon ostracized for her mischievous pranks, seeks a powerful artifact rumored to grant control over time. However, the artifact's power corrupts her, leading to her banishment to Earth. Stripped of her magic and memories, she awakens time later, determined to reclaim her past, control her powers, and carve a new path for herself in this strange new world.



Ribbons by Slate and wickerbeastinabasket

Code by -MinnieLove-

Everything below this point is TBD
Name relation

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Name relation

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.

Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Name relation

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.