


9 months, 16 days ago





NameHarrison Whitestar-Chanse
OccupationSailor (Also works at Matlock's Pawnshop
ResidenceThe City of Doors (Formerly Fallingtown)

"Your actions will have consequences." 

Harrison Whitestar-Chanse is a child who has crossed paths with the party more times than they would like. He is the adopted son of Palmer Chanse (Whitestar being the surname of his deceased parents). 


Harrison is a young boy of average height and build, with sandy-blonde hair and bright blue eyes. His face is also marked with many freckles. He is an expert climber and a skilled sailor. He speaks with a slight lisp.


Harrison is rather mature for his age, holding a job at Matlock's pawnshop while also being a skilled sailor, much like his adopted father. He has always loved the ocean, proudly proclaiming that he was born on a boat and that he plans on dying on a boat as well. He is known to be incredibly intelligent and shrewd, being able to see through many of the party's tricks with ease. He is somewhat vindictive towards the party, partially due to the abuse he has suffered at their hands and partially because he is a petulant child. 


Harrison was born on a boat to the Whitestars, a young couple of novice sailors. He snuck aboard the ship captained by Iron Palmer the night of his ill-fated final voyage. Every sailor aboard that boat, Harrison's parents included, would lose their lives, save for Harrison and Palmer. Afterwards, he was offiially adopted by Palmer and moved to the City of Doors. There, he would often be babysat by many of his father's friends, and would land a job working the counter at Matlock's pawn shop.


He was first encountered by the party while hanging around Matlock's pawnshop

The party would later deal with him during their hunt for perfumed oil. While Harrison was working the counter at the pawn shop, the party attempted to con him with a bottle they claimed to contain poison. When Harrison called their bluff and chugged the vial, Bronson put the child to sleep using the Sleep spell. Harrison would briefly awaken from this state to give the party a cryptic message before falling back to sleep.

Harrison would later participate in the party's arm wrestling tournament. He would demolish his colleague Griff in the first round before being bested by Bronson in the second, being thrown through a brick wall in the aftermath.

He would later reappear alongside his father in Fallingtown, revealing himself to be the first mate of the Gleaming Mary.


Palmer- Harrison's adoptive father. Palmer feels indebted to Harrison's parents, with them dying on a ship he was captain of. He has a hands-off parenting style, often leaving Harrison behind with one of his many friends or colleagues. Harrison thinks that Palmer is the coolest guy in the world, and wants to be a famous sailor in the future.

Matlock, Lake, Emerson, Dechert, Griff, Nobu, and Lydon- Harrison's part-time babysitters.

Bronson- Harrison's nemesis (at least how he sees it). There are many ups and downs in their relationship, with one managing to gain the moral high-ground before subsequently losing it and so on. They each think they are smarter and more clever than the other.