


9 months, 16 days ago




He / Him - 30
  • BIRTHDAY August 3rd
  • RACE Githyanki
  • HEIGHT 6'0
  • CLASS Druid
  • VOICEValeria from BG3

Vreth is a Githyanki Druid, my player character in Baldurs Gate 3. Idk what else to put here. 


Vreth is just a friendly and silly little druid, but likes to be sarcastic at times. He likes to watch chaos unfold but he doesn't like to be the cause of chaos. He likes to come off as friendly and inviting to anyone, but his loud, sarcastic, and extroverted personality doesn't help with that. He has a lot of curiosity and tends to poke his nose in things he shouldn't be or gets into dangerous situations because of his curiosity.

Vreth is a very touchy friend, he loves giving hugs, cuddling, and making things for people. He likes to be playful and tease his friends about anything and everything. He tends to assume that if he's on good terms with people, it means he's friends with them. Generally likes making friends and having as many people hang out at his camp as possible.

Vreth has a strong moral compass and has strong emotions towards certain things. Vreth tends to hold grudges against authoritative figures, and tends to be hostile towards them by default. He doesn't like doing things to help them and would rather help the people of lower class. Due to his strong moral compass, he tends to act irrationally, more with his heart than head. He doesn't always make the best decisions, he is not a completely innocent person. Vreth is also an insanely good liar, and lies a LOT. He likes to lie to get his way.

  • Camp
  • Salty Things
  • Plants and Nature
  • Warm colors
  • Animals
  • Spring


  • Authority
  • Sour Things
  • (some) Religion
  • Swimming
  • Relying on Strangers
  • The Tadpole
  • HOBBY: Making crowns, bracelets, and necklaces out of plants and flowers
  • HOBBY: Sometimes Baking and Cooking
  • HOBBY: Reading and learning more spells
  • HOBBY: Looting
  • HABIT: Expressive gestures and facial expressions
  • HABIT: Staring at and picking at plants
  • HABIT: Taking in lost animals ( Scratch, the Owlbear, Us )
  • HABIT: Lying
  • STRENGTH: Wields healing spells
  • STRENGTH: Can speak to animals and has an animal handling proficiency ( Basically Snow White )
  • STRENGTH: Overly friendly and has high Charisma
  • STRENGTH: Sleight of Hand proficiency
  • STRENGTH: Fast reaction speed
  • WEAKNESS: Low Intelligence
  • WEAKNESS: Does poorly in hand to hand combat, relies mostly on spells and magic
  • WEAKNESS: A little oblivious and out of touch due to his sheltered childhood
  • WEAKNESS: Fire, has a lot of ice and nature spells
  • WEAKNESS: Very thin
  • SKILL: Speaking with and handling animals
  • SKILL: Lightning Spells
  • SKILL: Good with plants and environment, rarely gets lost and can find things and plants to eat easily
  • SKILL: Sleight of Hand, Nature, and Deception proficiencies
  • Kept Us, the brain on the Mindflairs ship
  • Styles his hair up and out of his face when he goes out to show his crown better. In camp he lets his hair down
  • Eyes dialate similar to how a cats does
  • Doesn't know a lot of the Gith language, only knows "chk" and "tsk'va"
  • Likes to collect things like Psychedelics and other mind-altering plants
  • Autistic

  • Has a little bit of eyeliner
  • Has big ears!!
  • Feel free to super ultra simplify his armor
  • Sideburns !!!
  • Pupils are oddly shaped

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Vreth was a late hatcher in his Creche. His Creche wanted to get rid of his egg since he didn't hatch with the rest of them, which is usually a bad sign. Vreth had an older brother from the same mother, Kinac, who offered to take his egg and destroy it for the creche. Instead of destroying the egg, he hid the egg away from the creche in hopes of it hatching. Eventually Vreth did hatch, and once he did, Kinac took him to another creche that would take them in. Though they lived among the other Gith, they stayed very to themselves. Kinac raised Vreth all by himself. Though Kinac didn't do any magic, Vreth had always had a small interest in magic.

During Vreths childhood, he mostly trained with his brother Kinac, mostly things like self defense with small weapons like daggers and shortswords. Vreth decided that he wanted to train with some of the other young Gith, to show the skills he learned from his brother. During this, one of the kids got Vreth on the face twice with a dagger, causing two big scars on his face. After that, he didn't try approaching the other Gith kids anymore. Vreth wanted to learn magic, he Didn't like fighting with melee weapons.

When Vreth was about 10 years old, he was taken from his home by a group of people who wanted to raise a Gith of their own, people who thought that raising a Gith among people who weren't Gith would change them and grow up to be a strong soldier.

After Vreth was taken, they wiped his memory, hoping that it'll make him unlearn anything that the creche had taught him. Vreth had now forgotten everything, including his brother, Kinac. All he knew now was this small group of people who had taken him, not even remembering that they had kidnapped him.

The training these people put Vreth through was often abusive or mistreatment. Vreth often felt like he was fighting every day just to stay alive because of the extremely harsh training these people put him through. He was never good at using things like swords and hand to hand combat, it just never came naturally to him, which made it harder for him because the people training him would get upset with him. It didn't help that he often had a loud mouth as well and often talked back.

When he felt lonely at night he would look outside of his window and look at the nature around the small secluded cabin the people kept him in. He wasn't allowed outside often due to fear of him running away, and when they did take him outside he was supervised. Every night Vreth looked outside he tried making a plan to escape and run away. Whenever he got the chance, he worked on digging a hole under his bed where they couldn't see so he could escape. Though he had nowhere to go, nowhere he remembers at least, he knew he had to get out of there. One night when everyone got drunk, he took it as his chance to run away, and he did.

Vreth lived on his own in the woods for only a few days, but noticed he has a keen connection with the animals there. He eventually found a druid camp deep in the woods, and they took him in. He was mostly raised by a couple within the camp, a half elf woman and a human woman. Here now Vreth was able to learn the magic he doesn't remember wanting to learn, but he was a natural at it. He learned everything about being a druid there.

When he got older, the half elf grew very sick. After this, Vreth spent a lot of time teaching himself medicine and healing spells in hopes to help her. He ended up traveling to the city to find stronger and more experienced healers to try and help the half elfs condition. The other druids at the camp took care of her while he was gone, it was a temporary solution to hopefully keep her alive long enough for him to find her a cure. Going into the city was Vreths first experience being around so many people. He soon found out how the general population felt about Gith, which he had no idea about. Due to his friendliness, he found it no trouble to find open minded people who were willing to look past him being a Githyanki, and helped him.

He eventually went back to the druids, and found a cure for the half elf. He stayed for a few years longer until he felt like he could handle himself on his own in the real world, and he eventually left again. He wanted to see more of the world since he had been so sheltered his whole life. He was awkward, but friendly and open, and hoped that'd be enough.

A few years after traveling is when he got taken onto the ship by the mindflair and got the Illithid tadpole inside of him. Him and a Halfling named Kordak were the first ones free on the ship, and instantly teamed up against the mindflair. Now Vreth and his group of friends explore to try and get rid of the tadpole inside of them.


Vreth met Gale when coming across the portal Gale gets himself stuck in. Vreth was quick to become friendly and open with him due to Gales habit of also being quite friendly and open, and his habit of talking a lot made Vreth feel welcome. They bonded a lot through magic, and they often showed each other tricks the other one couldn't do. Gale told Vreth about wizarding magic and Vreth told him about Druid magic. At the beginning of their friendship Gale tended to ask a lot of questions about the Githyanki, but Vreth couldn't answer. He couldn't remember anything about being with the Gith, and he didn't even know that he had forgotten, asumming that he had just grown up with the people that took him.

Vreth and Gale have a very close and unique bond. Often words are not needed between them, unless they're talking about their interests of course. Their bond is somewhat beyond physical, almost spiritual, as if they could communicate without words. They just understand each other like that. No words have to be spoken to know what the other wants. They like spending quality time together or doing things similar to parallel play. Gale is a bit more attachment heavy, so if he wants attention or just doesn't want to be alone he has no problem going to Vreth and sitting or laying with him, and of course Vreth doesn't mind at all either. They're two people who feel like outcasts in the world who have found comfort in each other.


Vreth and Astarion are close in their own ways. Vreth had no problem with Astarion biting him, but only allowed him to do it once. They have a very playful and teasing kind of friendship. The kind of friendships where they always tease each other and make fun of each other but also hype each other up. They often travel together along with Kordak.


Best friends!!!! They get along so well, they have very similar personalities and sense of humor. They like to play fight, even though Vreth always looses and it ends with Karlach carrying him around despite him begging her to put him down. She also sometimes tosses him up to places he can't reach by himself due to being so light weight.


Was never SUPER close, but they bonded together by both being druids. Vreth helped him whenver he could and Halsin is a little bit like a fatherly figure towards him. Sometimes Halsin teaches him some new stuff about druid magic.


Very good friends!! At the beginning they had a hard time bonding due to Wyll always wanting to help Vreth with melee combat, but Vreth always denying the help and insisting that he had learned enough. Eventually they came to a truce on the situation and now Vreth loves watching Wyll teach others. Vreth also loves his company and they enjoy telling stories to each other.


At the beginning they did not get along AT ALL. It irritated Lae'zel that Vreth was not keen on fighting like other gith and it irritated Vreth that she wanted him to be that way. After traveling with each other for a bit, they learned to accept each others differences. Now they like to playfully be mean to each other and help each other with problems that required the others skills.


The one Vreth got along with the least at first. Due to Shadowhearts view on the Githyanki at the start, Vreth hated being around her. He always felt like he was being judged by her, and basically avoided her. Being around each other all the time basically forced them to talk to each other, and they eventually got over each other. Once Shadowheart became more open with him, Vreth became more open with her, and soon they were spending nights alone together just telling each other everything.
After freeing Aylin, they became closer than ever. Vreth often spent nights holding her to sleep as his way of trying to comfort her, until she felt more like herself. now Shadowheart is one of his closest friends.


Kordak was the first person Vreth met in the ship, and they had just somehow instantly bonded and got along. Vreth is very affectionate with Kordak and is probably his closest friend he has. They always travel together, rarely ever splitting up. They like to have fun and mess with each other a lot of the time. People often find them odd when they're together, but they're open and free.


A friend Vreth likes a lot!! Vreth loves Minsc's personality and bluntness. Vreth finds him funny and easy to talk to. They're very overprotective of each other, because they both think the other is vulnerable in their own ways and don't want to see each other get hurt. Minsc also likes to join in on Vreth and Karlachs wrestling matches.


Vreths older brother that took care of him, and also The Guardian. Kinac is very different from the guardian in the game, and is not The Emperor. Though Vreth forgot who he was, he had always had a strange connection with him and liked talking to him whenever he showed up in his dreams. Kinac had spent years trying to find Vreth, ever since he got taken away. When Kinac revealed that they were brothers, it was hard for Vreth to understand and cope with. Despite everything, they have a very close bond with each other. When Kinac finally reveals his true form, he was half ilithid, not fully turned yet. Vreth did everything in his power to once again find a cure for someone he loved. He wanted to save Kinac from becoming a Mindflayer.

Code by Aurorean