Sister Moly



8 months, 6 days ago


  • Sister Moly

  • age Mid-Twenties
  • gender Woman
  • species Curio (Undyre)
  • Masterlist No. 1108
  • Reg Sheet LINK
  • Theme Song


height 4'9"

Build Slightly Plump

Guild Archeologist

Rank Recruit

Occupation Clear Bell/Exorcist

Zodiac Ancient's Eye

Residence Tonpelli Wilds

HUB Handle N/A


The long-awaited heiress to a high-ranking and wealthy Craftsman family, Moly was born with every opportunity and advantage that could be afforded a child. The best tutors, doctors, nannies, a carefully curated selection of playmates from high society. An idyllic childhood, experienced in rosy shades from an ivory tower.

She made her family debut at six years old- and was immediately sabotaged by a rival family. Exactly how they got their hands on an ancient AI was unclear- but it also didn't matter. Possessed and disfigured, it was decided Moly was no longer a suitable heir- or member of the family, and was swiftly swept away into the clergy.

Even in the political trash heap that was the clergy, Moly found herself largely outcasted due to the ghost clinging to her heels. Being a Sister at all, even in training, felt like a joke. Others suggested it might be an outright insult to the ancestor spirits they tended to- but a sizable donation kept her from being rejected entirely.

Life in the cloisters was difficult, but she adapted as best as she could. What few friends she managed to make in her time she clung to fiercely, and in time, she began to develop a genuine sense of devotion to the ancestor spirit, if only to justify the course her life had taken. She even grew fond of the ghost she was forced to share a body and mind with- after all, she determined, it was the one 'friend' who could never, ever, abandon her.



[ A Friend Like a Whetstone ] Remy's doubt and ceaseless questions often clashed with Moly's stalwart devotion. From the outside, you'd think their constant bickering indicated a mutual contempt- in truth, both enjoyed their verbal sparring sessions, and any bruises to the ego were easily soothed by the snacks Remy smuggled back into the cloisters.



[ Dear Old Friend ] Time spent with Remy was often time spent with Kull, and Moly developed a special fondness for the quiet younger brother.

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