Callie Cowbird



9 months, 6 days ago



Name: Callie Cowbird

Nicknames: Cal

Gender: female but like no strong feelings about it

Pronouns: she/they/he

Age: 22 years old 

Birthday: October 15th

Sexuality: lesbian

Relationship Status: single, polyamorous

Hometown: Las Pegasus

Past Towns: various

Residing Town: Humbledon

Cutie Mark: n/a

Talent: n/a

Occupation: lesbian

Past Occupations: odd jobs

Education: dropped out at 17


Species: cowbird/cougar griffon

Basic Description: Compared to the average pony, Callie is pretty short, the top of her beak coming up to a pony’s chin. She is mostly shades of brown, her front half is a cowbird and her bottom half is a cougar. Both her fur and feathers are always ruffled and messy. She is always wearing a red beanie and a slightly oversized red plaid shirt. She has permanent eye bags under her dark yellow half lidded eyes.

Voice Claim: Daria voiced by Tracy Grandstaff in Daria

Theme Song: “Life Time Warranty” by Cyberbully Mom Club


Nonjudgmental - doesn’t judge others for inconsequential things 

Relaxed - has a calming presence and is able to keep her cool 

Opportunistic - if an opportunity approaches her she’ll take it

Nonchalant - appears uninterested even if that’s not what she intends

Lazy - she struggles to self motivate to do tasks that aren’t of interest

Avoidant - tends to run away from problems rather than facing them

As an only child, Callie has always been independent and self sufficient, content to entertain herself while her parents were at work. In her preteen years, though, she often acted out at school, more eager for attention than how she was as a child. When that behavior didn’t change anything about her situation, Callie leaned more into focusing on herself and letting things come to her on their own terms. As an adult on her own, she’s matured a lot since her teen years. She’s still pretty unwilling to seek out specific opportunities, but she just prefers to take things as they come and not get hung up in the intricacies of life. 


Likes: pine trees, napping, staying up late and sleeping in, indie folk

Dislikes: bright lights, flying, loud noises

Hobbies/Other Talents: writes poetry and goes to open mic nights

Other Quirks/Traits: is able to fly, but prefers not to


Callie spent the first seventeen years of her life living with her mom and dad in Las Pegasus. Her parents were often very busy with work and Callie was usually left to her own devices. They loved her and never treated her poorly, they were just distant and more focused on making a comfortable life for their family. However, Callie ended up feeling She spent a lot of time loitering around malls by herself and when she got older, she’d hang out with whoever her girlfriend was at the time. She also frequently would end up staying over at their houses for a few days at a time. Callie was never a particularly good student and was in a constant state of flunking out and when she turned 17, she decided to drop out. Now that she was no longer in school, the boredom quickly settled in. She occupied her time hanging out in the woods by her old school, waiting for her girlfriend to get out of class. After a few weeks her girlfriend broke up with her, claiming Callie was distracting her from her work. The day after the breakup, Callie decided to set out on her own. She left a note for her parents, packed a couple bags of her things, enough money for a train ticket, and she took off. For the next couple years, Callie got by by taking any odd job that was offered to her and when she got bored she would move onto the next city. When Callie eventually stumbled into Humbledon, she was charmed by the quaint town and easily settled in. Currently, she is staying in an inn and spends her days hanging out in the woods.