Helene Balfour



9 months, 28 days ago


serif-fonts serif-fonts

is biting the hand that feeds

meaner than the sea, she's the only one i am afraid of

aloof . curious . catlike

An adventurous young selkie, Helene’s presence never fails to captivate those around her. Despite her magnetic allure, she remains skittish, often hesitating to embrace any attention she garners. Her home is the Portsmouth Harbor, though she also spends many nights in the city in the arms of her various partners, including a taxidermist who once saved her life. At heart, Lena is a feral creature, one which humans struggle to understand, which has led to strife whenever someone attempts to befriend her. She often disappears for days at a time, finding peace in underwater solitude. However, when she is able to grow close to someone, Lena forms attachments that run obsessively deep, binding her fiercely to those individuals who put in the time and effort to truly know her.

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ashore and adrift .

{ historical, drama }

and with your mermaid hair
and your teeth so sharp
you crawled from the sea
to break that sailor's heart

mermaids - florence & the machine














portsmouth harbor




@ Utah | $55


she's the only one i ever dream of

o n e . Childhood

Helene was born in the frigid waters of the Southern Ocean. She never knew her parents, her only remembrance of them being the brief years she spent with her mother when she was very young.

There was no reason for Lena to learn to shed her selkie skin in the Antarctic due to the freezing temperatures, which would have been harsh on her human skin. She lived her life as a feral seal as those in her family had done for generations before, unlike others of her species who lived in warmer climates.

In fact, Lena was entirely unaware of her shape-shifting abilities, despite the fact that her humanistic urges often got her into trouble. She spent many days curiously exploring around rare human vessels that came too close to the ice sheet. She loved collecting baubles like sea glass and beach pottery, her favorites being the occasional bits of lost jewelry from far across the globe. No one warned her of the dangers of humanity; leopard seals are solitary creatures, and Lena sparsely interacted with others of her kind.

t w o . Capture

When Lena was a teenager, English fur traders arrived in the territory she called home. They were paid by exotic fur collectors to trap leopard seals and retrieve their pelts for luxury coats. Lena, curious as always, strayed too far from the ice sheet and fell into a baited trap alongside two other seals.

Taken alive to the ship, Lena watched in horror as the hunters mercilessly gunned down her kin. With her life hanging on by a thread, Lena desperately shed her skin for the first time. To the hunters’ astonishment, they were suddenly confronted by a girl wrapped in a seal’s pelt rather than the wild animal they’d captured. Unfortunately, Lena was not quick enough to escape harm completely. A bullet penetrated her selkie skin, damaging it but not harming Lena’s human form.

Confused and frightened by the sight before them, the hunters abandoned their mission early and set a course back to England. They tried to take care of Lena, but she refused to accept their provisions and couldn’t understand a word that they spoke. She acted completely feral as well, lashing out and biting whenever one of the hunters came too close.

Over the span of the next three months, the fur traders slowly made their way back to England. Though Lena was terribly frightened and frustrated that she couldn’t put her skin on, she began to slowly acclimate to her surroundings. The warmer weather felt nice on her human skin and the hunters were kind to her, though Lena never forgot what they had done to the other leopard seals. She even began to pick up bits of English. After stopping at several ports along the way, Lena took her first steps on land at the Port of Southampton.

t h r e e . Street Life

Helene’s time in England was brief. Though naturally curious of this new world, Lena knew it was not where she belonged. The second the hunters looked away to try and find help, she fled to the nearest ship and stowed away, bringing nothing with her but her damaged skin. Hidden aboard, she was only discovered by a young boy named Owen, who, enchanted by selkie stories from his sister, kept her secret and brought her raw fish.

Believing the ship would return her to the Southern Ocean, Lena was disappointed when it docked in Portsmouth Harbor, New Hampshire. Lost and far from home, she hid on the city's outskirts, spending as much time in the water as possible, though swimming didn’t feel the same without her selkie skin. Eventually, locals spotted her, and she captured police attention after several complaints. Lena was arrested and taken to the inner city following a difficult struggle.

The next day, she was bailed out by a stranger who claimed she was their relative. Though skittish at first, Lena began to recognize the stranger as the sister of the young boy from the ship, realizing they had come to rescue her. Lena realized that the stranger, called Wilma Balfour, knew she was not human. Wilma then took Lena to her city shop, where Lena was terrified to discover that Wilma spent her days stuffing deceased animals. Though it took a few days, Lena came to understand that Wilma genuinely meant no harm and devoted considerable care into her work as a taxidermist.

As time passed, Lena began to grow more comfortable around Wilma and Owen. She started to pick up on human mannerisms and quickly caught onto English, though she loathed the feeling of clothing on her body that the Balfours insisted she wear in public. Lena learned Wilma was a Scottish immigrant who had been raised on stories of selkies and had always believed them to be real. She had felt drawn to Helene, knowing her brother would not lie about what he'd seen. One day, Lena finally felt comfortable enough to show Wilma her damaged skin, which Wilma promised she would fix. It was a difficult task to mend something so delicate, but at last, Lena’s skin was repaired and she could return to the ocean.

f o u r . Present Day

Helene had long contemplated returning to the Antarctic, but something had shifted. Despite being solitary like all leopard seals, Wilma's kindness had stirred strange emotions in her. Lena bonded deeply with Wilma, and though she missed her home, chose to stay in the harbor instead. After learning about the human concept of marriage, she ended up taking the surname Balfour in order to connect with Wilma romantically, though it was also so less suspicion would arise regarding her arrival in the city.

Over the next few years, Lena and Wilma became enamored with one another. Still, it was never forgotten that Lena was feral at heart. She began to disappear for weeks at a time, which alarmed the Balfours. Sometimes she’d end up all the way across the city, getting to know other women, which strained Wilma and Lena’s relationship. Ultimately, the pair opted for an open relationship, granting Lena more freedom as she struggled to maintain a bond with just one individual.

Lena never quite understood the concept of a career, preferring to spend her days relaxing idly. After being rejected from several job interviews at Wilma’s suggestion, Lena picked up beachcombing, which reminded her of when she would collect human trinkets as a child.

Lena now leads a simple life. She spends much of her time in the waters around Portsmouth Harbor, reconnecting with winter seal visitors in the colder seasons. Her summers are spent on land, sunbathing, beachcombing, and getting to know the intricacies of humanity. While memories of her home in the Southern Ocean linger, her bonds to the Balfours and other humans have fulfilled her longing for understanding and nurtured her capacity for love, something which she will never give up.








drooping saxifrage


the sun




  • Lena has a well-developed tapetum lucidum which make her eyes glow in the dark as a constant indicator that she is not human.
  • Hates wearing clothes but doesn't mind jewelry.
  • She has a severe fear of harpoons and firearms.
  • Sings softly and beautifully.
  • Lena tends to spend her summers on land and winters in the sea to avoid beachgoers and warm water.

art by @ Utah

Design Notes

  • Stands at 5'3".
  • Her body is covered in various freckles and moles.
  • Has round, catlike eyes which reflect slightly in the dark.
  • Can be drawn with sharp teeth.