


5 years, 10 months ago


art by Electrictype

Raised by a single mother, Peter was always different. Early on, the most obvious strangeness about him was that he could always hear things: cries that kept him up all night, whispers that distracted him in classes. Sometimes, if he focused, he could see things out of the corner of his eyes: spirits, imps, ghosts. The child prattled about this all to his mother, who refused to hear any of it … until his horns began to grow out in middle school. The answers his mother could provide – that, years ago, now she had a night out on the town she could scarcely remember outside of the feeling of dread she had woken up with in the morning – really just led to more questions.

But all was good! Peter figured out how to hide the new parts of him as best he could, his mother researched endless books, websites and dubious TV shows for answers. In his spare time, Peter chatted with the souls of the dammed, ate flaming hot Cheetos, and fell in love with professional wrestling. He figured everyone was so strange there that someone like him could fit in. Right? There were all sorts of people pretending to be zombies, necromancers and one-winged angels; a demon wouldn’t be that out of place amongst the crowd.

He started training when he was 18, and never looked back. Thankfully, the west coast was fraught with opportunities for newcomers to the craft. Slowly, he found a footing in the artform. Peter needed a proper name – a name the crowds could chant, one the crowds could rally behind. Something cool and mysterious, something that fit him –


Yeah, that’d work.


"I'm a demon. How could I do a crusade, bro?"

Brim is a half-demon. Without his glamour, he looks indistinguishable from the proper specimen - horns, tail, goat hooves, the whole shebang -- but even with his glamour, his canines still seem a bit sharper than a normal man’s should be. He has a small host of other abilities, such communing with spirits and pact-making, the latter of which he generally uses to curse his opponents with colds if they back out of a match. As a half-demon, things like holy water, purified salt, etc cause Brim a lot of discomfort or even severe pain, in high enough concentrations, but none of these things can outright kill him. You’ll need to be a bit more creative, unfortunately!

It’s worth noting that Brim is highly unlikely to attack anyone using any demonic powers unless he’s in extreme danger outside of the wrestling ring. He doesn’t like showing off that side of him whatsoever and he’s not actually good at using those abilities. He'd rather just ... brute-force the problem. He's a professional wrestler. He’s strong, has a fair amount of stamina, and throws a mean right hook. But where his real talents lie is acrobatics: Brim loves just about nothing more than backflipping off of literally anything he can see. It’s becoming an issue. he needs help.

Although his wrestling persona is that of a demon-possessed man, he still wears a glamour while wrestling and hides the fact that he legitimately is part demon. He only wrestles in his demon form for the real, real, real big matches. He hides in plain sight, basically.

Confident, brash. Always believes he can win. No mountain is too high for him to climb, even if it’s a man a foot taller than he is in a wrestling ring. No challenge is unsurmountable, and he’s going to win it all with style.

Blunt, cruel. Doesn’t holds back what he is thinking, even if it’s particularly rude or unwarranted. Doesn’t consider the consequences of saying such things; rather, assumes his criticism will always help the person he’s criticizing. Prides himself on brutal honesty.

Childish, bratty. Hates not getting what he wants. Prone to throwing tantrums and complaining for days if his demands are not appeased. Do not even attempt to communicate with this man before he has his coffee in the morning.

Aggressive, defensive. Rarely shares his demonic heritage with people out of fear of it driving them away. Because of how little he knows of what he is capable of, he’s extremely afraid of hurting people (outside of the ring). Constantly trying to protect people by keeping them at arm’s length.

professional wrestler
to be the strongest motherfucker on the planet
Are you mad? Are you angry? Do you want to beat me up? would you kiss me
  • Kicking peoples teeth in and getting his own teeth kicked in
  • Punk music
  • Tag-team wrestling
  • Youtube poops
  • People that ask too many questions
  • Chess as a concept
  • Spelling bees
  • People figuring out his secrets
  • Hurting those closest to him
  • Doing his taxes