


5 years, 10 months ago


Zeera is an Aarakocra Druid. She is a proud member of Camp Stupid. Zeera is from a tiny community on the Elemental Plane of Air, but during her early childhood, Mysterious Events transported her to the Material Plane. Zeera wandered this plane for some more years, playing her fantasy Otamatone to travelers for spare coins for a living. Zeera has had little interaction with others, but aims to please when she does. Those who have interacted with her see her as strange, but kind. Zeera has no memory from around age 6 to age 10. She thinks her Otamatone is alive. She is 11 years old, which is a relatively mature age for an Aarakocra. However, due to her memory problems and personality, and because 11 years isn't that long, people tend to see her as a child, which she doesn't mind. 

She looks like a red-tailed black cockatoo. She is black with yellow spots on her face. There are two large spots in the shape of stars on her cheeks. She has a tall crest and good fluffenchops. She is 4 feet tall, not including her crest.


Zeera is chaotic good. She gets nervous often. She wants the people she likes to be happy. Most of the time, people she meets think she's cute. She's absentminded and tends to wander, but is always ready to bring out the Otamatone.  She's evolved into a bit of a gremlin child.

  • Tanzan
  • Her Otamatone
  • Her Friends
  • Mean People
  • Loud Noises