For sale - Klp



5 years, 10 months ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
For Sale (Virtual Currency)
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For Offer




 Wanted to do something a bit different, and try out some older styling.

"Not your typical Kelpie"

Catching fee: $27.50

Owner who caught them:

Left side is after they are freshly from water/eaten, right is after being out of water for awhile/ haven not eaten recently.

Field notes on left say:

"Studies show the beast must remain close to water sources to keep hydrated."

- Note -
- Thin compared to traditional Kelpie
- Long like a water snake
- Fungus grows from body
- Long dagger like teeth
- Serrated hooves
- Bright color seems to indicate healthy
-  Dull Creature will  try to attack if to close !! 
- Has gills, nose seems cosmetic
- Unusual horn

Owner will receive -
Unwatermarked version
Larger file
Color palette
You may resell for the same price you purchased them at or lower, unless  they come with purchased art, in which case price accordingly.
Please notify me of new owner.
Additional can be added for a fee - example adult bits, details on fungus, mouth shot, ect
Payment is due asap
Parchment paper was a free to use resource off the net