


9 months, 29 days ago


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Cecilia she/her | 5'9

"Hey, hey, c'mere for a second! I need a second opinion: which one of these shirts would look better on me?"


Cecilia has two things that she can’t live without: her friends and family and her massive wardrobe. Her fashion sense is second to none and pretty much everyone around her agrees that she's a genuinely kind person who's fun to be around. She's almost always with other people. This is intentional on her part--being alone for too long makes her uneasy and she's unused to her own company. Even though figuring out other people is easy enough once she gets to know them, she's still trying to understand herself and what she really wants in life.


Like all magical girls, Cecilia was granted her powers at age 16 (this age was chosen because 16 year olds are decently mature, even though many of them lack a lot of responsibilities. This leaves them with free time to perform their duties). She was really confused at first, but soon became excited, since she thought the idea of being a magical girl was really cool. Things went downhill for her very quickly. Despite her best efforts, the dark creatures took over her town... then her home country. But she wasn't ready to give up just yet. She knew she could do better if she kept trying, so she asked her parents for permission to take a gap year and began traveling around the world, following the dark creatures. Still, she just keeps losing. By now, most of the world has been taken over, and Cecilia is... tired, to put it lightly. But she can't let herself give up until the last battle has ended, and she has one more battle left to fight alongside Ginger and Francis.

Cecilia's powers draw from light, which means she's strongest during the day (or in a brightly lit room). This works out because her magical girl work gets done during the day (sometimes in the early morning hours, but if it's a school day it's during the late afternoon instead).

Fun facts

- Cecilia's family is very well-off. Most planning and strategy meetings are held at her hotel room so they don't have to worry about their cover being blown via their parents overhearing them or something.