Star Girl



9 months, 29 days ago


Star Girl

The Cosmic Warrior
NameMillie Seo-Hyeon Song
Nickname(s)Seo-Hyeon (by Ashley)
Star Child (by Nova)
Starlight (by Nova)
Home PlanetEarth
160 cm
Date of BirthApril 15th
RelativesNari Song 성나리 (mother)
Unnamed Grandmother
Unnamed Grandfather
Unnamed Aunt
Unnamed Cousins
Voice ActorStephanie Sheh

"I can save everyone! Just watch me!"
―Star Girl

Millie is a young human girl from planet Earth, and lived a normal life until an asteroid containing a powerful artifact crashed in the forest near her hometown. The Cosmic Heart- a crystal holding an immense power- allows her to take on the alias of Star Girl! Using her newfound superhuman abilities, Millie takes down monstrous aliens set on destroying everything in their path in an attempt to steal the Cosmic Heart and use its power for themselves. This is just like her favorite superheroes!

Once she learns just how dangerous the Cosmic Heart is, Millie makes the difficult decision to leave Earth behind to protect those she loves. She wouldn’t know what to do with herself if her mom or her friends got hurt because of her. At least traveling across the infinite cosmos, Millie meets new friends, mysterious foes, and lives through all manners of strange adventures. She’d like to think she made a good decision leaving Earth behind; she’s having so much fun out here!

Someday she will realize that this new life of hers is not as joyous and whimsical as it is in her comics.


Millie has long brown hair, typically styled in a single braid, and she has dark brown eyes. Her usual outfits consist of graphic t-shirts picturing stars and planets or her favorite bands and comic characters, a pair of jean shorts, pink and orange leg warmers with yellow star decals, and black sneakers.

When transformed with the Cosmic Heart, Millie's hairstyle changes to twin pigtails held by stars, and her eyes change to pink with star-shaped pupils. A pink, star-shaped mark appears on her left cheek. She gains star-shaped earrings, a frilly pink choker with a star decal on the front, and a frilly pink and white dress with a ribbon on the back, and the Cosmic Heart placed on her chest. She also gains matching knee-high boots with stars on the knees. Her weapon is a pink battle axe with a translucent glass center colored like a galaxy, with another star decal on the small side of the blade and another pink ribbon tied to the end of the handle.


Introvert Extrovert

Cautious Daring

Pragmatic Idealistic

Collected Wild

Follower Leader

Millie is cheerful, optimistic, and chaotic. She always looks on the bright side of a problem, cracking corny jokes about missions even if the atmosphere is against it. She is constantly eager to make new friends and explore planets and space stations she has never been to before. She often wanders off upon making landfall, forcing the rest of the crew to go looking for her.

Most of the conflict in the story is caused by Millie compulsively rushing head-first into a situation and causing more problems than there were to begin with. She is relentlessly stubborn, often holding grudges for extended periods of time, and refusing to attempt to solve a problem from a different angle if the method she's applying isn't working. She is also prone to dwelling on her mistakes, and closes herself off to others instead of talking about what's troubling her out of fear of upsetting them or being seen as a burden. This can result in her losing control of her powers, so she attempts to nullify the issue by bottling up her negative thoughts, resulting in the opposite effect.


The Cosmic Heart grants Millie the ability to transform into Star Girl, gaining flight abilities, enhanced strength and speed, and the ability to shoot beam attacks, energy shockwaves, and summon her battle axe out of thin air, on top of giving her a new appearance. She uses her powers to fight against enemies and protect the universe. Though she usually attempts to find a peaceful solution with those she believes can be reasoned with, she is occasionally eager for a fight.

Millie is inexperienced at the beginning of the story, having just gained access to the power of the Cosmic Heart and not having anything to go off of aside from her favorite superheroes. As such, she wields her axe somewhat haphazardly, and energy bursts are far larger and far more destructive than she intends them to be. Throughout her adventures, Millie learns better how to utilize and control her powers.

Millie mainly uses her axe as a bludgeon, refusing to attack with the sharp end of the weapon. In combat situations, Millie makes use of her enhanced speed to "teleport" around the battlefield before getting in close and hitting the enemy with her axe. If close-range combat doesn't work, she gets some distance and attacks with beams and shockwaves. She can become easily overwhelmed by a barrage of long distance attacks, and while she may have enhanced strength, she can still be overpowered in hand to hand combat by some particularly stronger foes.



Ashley is Millie's best friend back on Earth. The two have been near inseperable ever since they were young, and see each other as sisters. While they may be very close, Millie feels that Star Girl is the one thing she can never tell Ashley about out of fear of putting her in danger, as much as she'd love to have someone to spill all of her secrets and troubles to regarding her strange situation. Ashley is the person Millie misses the most back on Earth, excluding her actual family.


Lu'Xivvri was the first friendly alien Millie ever met, and is the one who informed the human of the Cosmic Heart's true potential, as well as what that meant for Millie herself. Lu'Xivrri owns and pilots the spaceship that the crew travels in. Millie has mixed feelings about Lu'Xivrri, disliking how strict they are, but still enjoying both annoying them and just simply having them as company. Millie loves them despite their arguments, and would much rather have their guidance than to be figuring out the Cosmic Heart all on her own.


Millie and Minji met one another purely by chance, and said meeting opened Millie's eyes to the fact that not everything out in space is like her comic books. Millie is not very fond of Minji's conman business, but the vulpin's wit and humor make Minji a companion that Millie adores the company of.


H-311 is the closest thing Millie has to a father figure, and essentially Millie's guardian while she's away from home. Similarly to her mother back on Earth, Millie feels bad about being taken care of by H-311, and does her best to try and be independent so that the burden is not entirely on his shoulders.


Toady confuses Millie greatly, but the same could be said for the rest of the crew as well. Millie in particular is just a bit creeped out by xer, since sentient mushroom people aren't a thing on Earth as far as she knows. Millie still considers the amani a friend regardless.


Nova starts off as Millie's rival, and acts as her foil. While Millie is rambunctious and exciteable, Nova is cautious, strategic, and stoic. Every interaction between the two has turned into a fight, and Millie sees the cyborg as a total jerk. Although, she can't help forming a little bit of a crush on them.

Eventually, the two end up on amicable terms, and Nova joins the crew as an official member. While tensions are still strained between the two, over time they begin to grow more amicable with one another, eventually becoming very close friends. While neither of them ever get the chance to confess to it, the amicable feelings grow to be something a little stronger for both parties involved.


  • Millie is the earliest OC I can remember creating! She was made when I was around 5 or 6 years old, and I stole her name from a character from a kid's TV show I watched at the time.
  • Star Girl was initially just a generic superhero. She became a magical girl after I decided to draw her for an art assignment in high school.
  • The Adventures of Star Girl taking place in outer space was inspired by a random dream I had involving space pirates and gorillas in a space station.
  • The Adventures of Star Girl is heavily based off of my experiences growing up with undiagnosed ADHD, and how it has affected both my high school experience and my transition into adulthood. Millie acts as myself in this situation, and the Cosmic Heart is a warped parallel of the sudden responsibilities being placed on me in the middle of a global pandemic.

Profile by Erandia
Pokemon OC Version by @MissMaryGrace