Basic Info


Kendall Kawaguchi


Ken (common), Gucci (city friends), Ken Doll (Harper), Spiderman (city friends)




Dishwasher at local restaurant


Shy, Easily frustrated, Restless, Awkward/Quiet type, Detail oriented guy, but shite organizational skills; Ruled by emotions, Flustered by compliments


Ants, Unexplained Phenomena, Video Games

Fashion Sense:

E-Boy/Emo but with a normcore type Lean. Wears Grey's, Blues, Greens, and cryptid/alien stuff (aliens, nessie, and Chupacabra as his mains)

Newport Shift:

Freckles: Darker/more visible closer to ocean and lighter/less visible farther away


Confrontational, Gives up easily

Important Design Features:

Grey/black hair, Ripped Jeans, Wears some kind of cryptid shirt/hoodie,


I just need a spot for additional trivia that isn't necessarily plot related so:

-Has pet ants, tarantula, hermit crabs, and fish.

-Is only 5 months younger than Cordelia

-Never sits with his feet touching the floor (always touching chair or nearby furniture/wall)

-Takes excessive amounts of free samples (i.e. the mints in the front of a restaurant, soaps from hotel rooms etc)

-Used to wear Glasses but switched to contacts in high school and hasn't looked back... (He sometimes wears his glasses to sleepovers if he's super comfortable with the person, cause he's still insecure about his glasses face and won't let just anyone see it :(( ) 

-No phone case, he's never dropped his phone and refuses to let other people handle his phone for that very reason.

-Drinks straight from the jug or carton of juice/milk

-Leon Kennedy fanboy/kinnie

-Learned a few song covers on bass, but didn't stick with music long enough to get much better at it.

-Loves any and all horror movies

-Online handle: YokaijuuGucci