


9 months, 28 days ago


Caspian lives in a large village, not too far from the nature grove. He’s quite the hermit, and is absorbed in his research of photosynthesizing plants. He had a friend of his, a noble Angelic, bring him to the Solar Shrine to request a small seedling of the last remaining photosynthesizing plants. The Angelic friend of his, Starla, comes and provides him with the sunlight needed to keep the plants alive every once in a while. Caspian is currently trying to breed the photosynthesizing and non-photosynthesizing plants into a hybrid of the two, a plant that can photosynthesize, but doesn’t have to to remain alive. He hopes that if he can successfully create a fully functional hybrid, they can be planted in the Angelic empire and breed naturally with other plants, allowing the ability to photosynthesize to continue, and not killing off the non-photosynthesizing plants when the Sun Goddess is found and returned. He is fully on the Solar side of the war, despising the Fallen Lumythew for endangering the plants of Lumynior and causing valuable ones to go extinct thanks to the permanent fixture of the moon in the sky. 


Feline Nose (c)

Fluffy Feelers (r)

Wing Placement (c)

Biolumi-Sac Placement (uc)

[Nature] Glowing Plume Orbs (c)

[Nature] Mossy Hummingbird Wings (r) 

[Nature] Blooming Leaf Tail (r)

[Nature] Nature's Touch (ur)

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