$5 adopts



9 months, 17 days ago


Each of them is $5, but for $15 you get a sketch of the character! :) Dog 1- sporty, bubbly, can't stop makin puns Dog 2- Magician, introvert, afraid of bugs Cat 1- Never left their scene phase, dark sense of humor Cat 2- mom/dad friend Bunny 1 - Farmer, soutnern, big heart Bunny 2- like, kind of an asshole?? but in an endearing way :) bat- doin it all for the aesthetic, addicted to pintrest - SOLD fox- dare devil, texts in 1337 speech because they think it's still cool, gamer

brown dog - SOLD cat - wants people to think he's a tiger when he's a housecat, lost his eye in an accident so he tells everyone he's a pirate, lies a lot, bad at lying