Tbn's Comments

Hey, sorry I should of been more clear with my comment earlier, I can offer a fullbody and headshot for this guy, can add another headshot if needed, here are examples https://trello.com/b/cOBPRoqO/finncacaos-art-commissions-info-examples

I can also do mixed offers with 10$ and a fullbody, but art would be preferred please 

sure! i dont think ill be getting another offer for this guy

think you can draw https://toyhou.se/10763736.bee

open to artistic freedom for poses and expressions

Sure! just to be sure the headshot & fullbody? I will update you with sketches etc, where should I do that? 

yep! the head and full

and can update me through DMs here or my discord (beehemoss) if easier

Hi! I can offer anyone in here for them! https://toyhou.se/RedWolf1987/characters/folder:4666016

I can also add some art if that interests you! https://toyhou.se/RedWolf1987/characters/folder:4723350