Lilith Hlarr



9 months, 29 days ago


The Hlarr family is a family of Eladrin from the Feywild spanning back generations. Mostly always seen in either Autumn or Spring forms, this family is always chipper and eager to help their neighbors. The current heads of the household are Sage, the caring and supportive father who works as a carpenter, and Averie, the mother who runs a library in the city they live. The two have 4 children in total, the two older kids, Jasper and Jade. Jasper, the oldest child of the Hlarrs, works as a painter for the Fey courts. Next Jade, she is the second oldest and has a knack for singing. She sadly went missing many years ago after an argument with her parents. The final two siblings are something odd, a set of twins. Ophidian and Lilith Hlarr. 

So Lilith and Ophidian, twins! They were each other's best friends growing up.  Ophidian was basically the golden child, beloved by their parents. He couldn’t do anything wrong. Even if he DID do something wrong it would always be his sister's fault. He was very outgoing and extroverted and an excellent storyteller from a young age. He would make up stories of adventurers going on these fantastic adventures to cheer up his sister.  Lilith is very much an ambivert. She always tried to be friendly to everyone she met. Always trying to help out anywhere she could. She was never good at anything she did. She couldn’t even shoot a bow!! Every elf can shoot a bow! But not lil Lilith. So as the years past, Lilith would start hulling herself up in her and her brother's bedroom, rarely if ever leaving the house, not like her parents brought her out anyway. She was jealous of her brother, but she loved him dearly. They were best friends after all.  But eventually, when she was 78, she disappeared from the house and the town itself. Her brother was worried sick, looking everywhere for her. 3 days later while looking around outside the town near the forest he saw her. Running towards his sister Ophidian would have his arms outstretched to embrace his sister. Though when get got close he was met with a searing pain in his gut. Looking down he saw his sister's hands gripping a dagger, pushing it deeper into his gut before he fell backward. Lilith would soon find herself covered in blood, standing over her brother's limp corpse. Mortified by what she did she would run into the forests of the Faywild again. Eventually, after running for days, she stumbled into a realm she had never seen before. He ended up in Faerun, in the outskirts of a forest. Exhausted she stumbled around, eventually spotting a small, silverly blue flame. So she would follow it, eventually ending up at a church. The church took her in, gave her new clothes, and offered her to stay for a few days. Instead as thanks, she decided to stay and work for the church, becoming a cleric for Seluene.  For 40 years she served the church, never really talking about what happened to her or where she was from. Eventually, though she made a friend with another clergy member, a young woman. Soon Lilith told her what she did to her brother, how she ran away and found herself ehre. And that spread like gossip around the church. Soon Lilith was sent off to the main church in Waterdeep…with no food…money…or water. So as she was hiking it began raining so she took shelter in a nearby cave. Eventually seeing a light in the cave she approached it as she found a door. Hesitantly she opened it and stepped through the door…