


Quick with grip and skilled with his glossa, Mindwarp is a former mnemosurgeon now settling down for less on-the-field action. A commander job is definitely better in the pecking order but it could never hold a candle to his glory days.

While Mindwarp does not actively work on other's CPUs nowadays, he is still very knowledgeable in the area and can teach new medics anything they need to know. But don't mistake him for a pushover, Mindwarp's calm demeanor is purposely done to catch anyone off guard if they decide to be hostile.

Mindwarp also has taken a liking to a certain medic after an unlikely meeting, a mech named Chainsmoker. Chains feel for him in the same way and it definitely has renewed Mindwarp's motivation to leave his lab instead of napping all day in the pipelines on the ceiling.

small bits and pieces to be organized and updated:

(naga decepticon commander, something like starscream's rank

also skilled with cortical psychic patches from former job as a medic and mnemosurgeon

the scanner on his helm is used for hypnosis, possibly transforms into a stationary scanner device)