べゆうBeiyu Syfiria



9 months, 21 days ago


Background info:

Gender: male

Height: 175 cm

Age: 22 years old

Nen type: specialist

Also known as: Silver Bushtit 

  286th hunter exam’s hunter.

  Family members unknown, childhood unknown, birth place unknown.

  From the Azian Continent, he moved to the Yorbian Continent youth, participated at the local hunter exam as examinee number 41 at the age of 20, the 286th hunter exam, the same exam Hisoka was disqualified.

  After gaining the licence he has shortly worked as a mercenary hunter, mainly accepting protection requests.

  Due to the special nature of his Nen skill he encountered numerous problems, so he decided to quit from accepting regular jobs.

  Two years after having the licence, he has completely hidden himself from the public, accepting only a few customers and starting to actively avoid using his skill.

  Rarely uses his real name, instead he likes to present himself as “Bell”. Strength admirer. Doesn’t discriminate against weaklings, but is naturally attracted to people with stronger aura.

Personality analysis:

  He is mostly really calm and tranquil, able to act as perfectly fitting in the common, but he has a really severe problem of empathy.

  Despite being able to feel happiness, excitement, liking and a wide range of emotions, he lacks the ability to feel sadness and anger, apathetic about jealousy and of some basic society required common sense of rule and righteousness.

  It doesn’t affect his daily life since he is quick in thinking and analysis, being able to fill the hole, but it is also really easy to mislead him with enough reasons and logic.

  He is really careful in building relationships. Having the tendency to hold back his liking or emotions, never being too attached or sticking at someone. He expresses his liking by simply paying more attention and willing to get near.

Family Trait Ability: Prism Eyes

  Naturally more sensitive toward Aura and Nen, he was able to see faintly aura already from birth. Using Gyo he has become even more precise, noticing a larger field of shades and nuances of Aura’s colour. 

  More sharp in noticing Aura’s movements and waves, and with the support of his analysis skill, he has come out with his own theory about aura, using this ability to fully make his Nen ability more efficient.

Nen Ability: Dark Sea

Envelops the user in a sphere of Nen as a barrier, where any [aura] inside is temporarily nullified.

Direct effect: nullify Nen

Nen comes from aura, the Nen* inside the barrier will be in a non-existing condition.

Indirect effect: perceptual distortion.

Since aura, life energy is being nullified, the perception of living and nonliving is distorted, but the vision is not affected.

Minor details:

-The effect is influenced by the adaptability of the target’s mind.

-Perceptual distortion can cause slight effect of confusion on the perception of time

Example: the apple in your hand will remain as an apple visually and tactilely, but you will lose the perception of certainty that it is an apple; the aura of both you and the apple is being conglomerated in the barrier, causing perceptual distortion. 


-the center of the barrier must be the user himself

-*to nullify Nen he must have had eye contact before

-*to nullify Nen he must know the target’s Nen type

-having excessive emotion toward the target will lead to failure of ability (extreme love, affection or hate)

-is not possible to choose specific target to use the ability *indiscriminate application on anything inside the barrier and meeting the conditions above (after hard training has learnt to maintain active at maximum 1 person’s Nen inside the barrier).

-the barrier is adjustable, maximum 72 meters radius

Nen ability: Lonely Room

  The indirect effect of “Dark Sea”. Since Dark Sea’s nature is too particular, in order to hide better he named its indirect effect, making people believe this is actually his main ability.

  When the target Nen user is still conscious and doesn’t meet every condition, such a target inside the barrier will not lose the ability to use Nen. However since things around him (unliving things, animals, non Nen user, etc.) will all temporarily lose their manifestation of aura, the target will experience quite heavy perceptual confusion and uneasiness.

  He currently claims it as his principal and only Nen ability, pretending to be an Emitter Manipulator.

  If someone question him really stubbornly and act really confident of this doubt, he will admit reluctantly he is a transmuter, covering it with another lie with the pretext of “I do change my aura’s property, that’s why you feel sick”

Deeper understanding of Dark Sea:

  “Dark” is mainly referred to black, as black is able to conglomerate any color without being influenced. 

  Likely, despite the direct effect of the ability is “nullification” of Nen, is more accurate to describe it as “merge” and “devour”.

  To wrap other’s aura in his own, accepting its existence and melt it during the time they are in contact, without influencing his own aura.

  Going out from the barrier, the aura will return and work as normal again immediately.

  Any Nen user who goes out from the barrier will recover their Nen ability, sometimes it will leave different levels of perceptual confusion.

  “Sea” indicates immensity, depth, falling and loneliness.

  “Dark Sea” itself nearly has no exception, any type of Nen is nullified as long as it meets the conditions.

  Alongside the activation of the ability, the user himself will become the center of the barrier, the only certain perception inside and the only one really perceived inside. Like falling alone in the sea, the surrounding will fall in complete insensibility and no living state.

  The meaning behind the skill: to understand, to accept and to include.

  To accept, dive deeply, in order to embrace and merge. Meantime maintaining the self, being aware that being able to accept everyone means to be completely different from anyone.

  The difference between people forms an unbridgeable gap: I accept all, no one accepts me.

Deeper understanding about “Prism Eyes”:

  An inherited family trait, it’s a mystery about how many people possess it, since no words are spread about. Beiyu said there is a family record and that the trait was lost in the history of the family for a while.

  Through a few words, it is possible to guess it’s a genetic trait without actual visible evidence.

  The eyes of the users do not show a particular difference externally, no particular colour nor particular pattern. Not every family member can inherit the trait, most likely a genetic lottery.

  Is not possible to turn it off, as a natural trait, the user has to deal from birth with the large quantity of information available from aura. Beiyu has talked about a determined systematic training he went through, consisting of isolation, mental training, physical training and a gradual approach to people. A traditional method of the family to prevent Prism Eyes’ holders from going crazy from overwhelming stimulation.

  Originally, Beiyu didn't call aura as aura, but as “linfa”, life essence. Is possible to guess, in the Syfiria family there’s not a common knowledge of Nen or aura, but an independent system used inside the family.

  The constant presence of visible aura doesn’t completely cover the objects, but can affect the sight and the view. Is extremely hard to live normally without going under training, since looking around, objects and livings are all covered from aura, is disturbing and difficult to adapt as a normal person.

  As a genetic trait, even moving the eyes from their original holder to someone else, is impossible to replicate the ability, as the genes are not compatible. And even if it works for miracles, it is recorded that without proper training from birth, such eyesight just leads to craziness.

Full background (partial, still incomplete):

  He moved from the Azian Continent during spring, at the age of 19 by sea. No records of his previous life or about his family members, but he had the money to live properly in Yorbia, and being already a proficient Nen user, he didn’t meet any substantial problem in his travel.

  The same year, late summer, he reached age 20, finding a job in a normal agency as an analysis assistant, having a stable income.

  Constantly learning about the world, he slowly grew conscious of the hunter world and through some connection he made during job, he came to know about the hunter exam in winter, near the deadline and decided to take part in it the next year.

  January, he passed the preliminaries without effort being a Nen user, reaching the exam location and receiving the 41th badge. 

  During one phase, examinees were divided in teams, but it was not forced to collaborate to pass. To move alone was the most common choice, which Beiyu made.

  While he quickly went to gain points to pass the phase, he bumped into Shise who just trapped another examinee. The trapped examinee was starting to go rampage and seeing Shise is of his same team, Beiyu didn’t hesitate to use his Nen ability just enough to suppress the enemy.

  Here’s where he first met Shise. Their first approach isn’t deep, but Beiyu did find Shise to be interesting and useful, leading him to accept him as a team mate for the time of the exam.

  Having great chemistry, they did a great job nearly getting at the end of the exam. Right before they were finishing, they witnessed Hisoka’s slaughter of 20 examinees and nearly killed an examiner.

  Being at distance, they didn’t get involved, resulting in being able to continue the exam.

  Beiyu is immediately fascinated by the burst of power he saw in Hisoka. His eyes, being more sensitive toward aura than normal people, saw his Nen like sparkling, a shiny colour he is extremely infatuated with.

  But being rational, he didn’t approach Hisoka for that, focusing instead on the exam. The only contact they had at that moment was a short eye contact, when Hisoka left the exam place, something Beiyu quickly forgot. 

  The ecstasy of meeting Hisoka is quickly replaced by the attention on the exam, as he was focused on his own goal.

  In the end he and Shise both got the licence and after adding each other’s contact, they partook. Beiyu didn’t really have any particular goal or place he wanted to go, on Shise’s recommendation, he went to Heavens Arena.

  Beiyu’s attention is immediately caught by the amount of the prize money of the first 199 floors. He was fully immersed in the fights, as he was mostly being challenged due to his weak appearence, to the point he just left his phone number and accepted challenges directly through the phone.

  Focused on precision and technique, despite not being proficient in strength and stamina, as a Nen user, he doesn’t encounter any particularly difficult enemy.

  Entering the 200th floor during early April, someone reached him, asking him if he could take a mission. Not interested in the fame and glory up the 200th floor, Beiyu is more attracted to the reward of the mission, gladly accepting it, leaving Heavens Arena the same day.

  He doesn’t show up at his next planned match, which was with none other but Hisoka Morow, though Beiyu didn’t even know that Hisoka is the same person who caught his eyes during the Exam, since he simply accepted the challenge date through phone and never met him personally in Heavens Arena.

  Clueless of having stood up to the hunter he will admire deeply in the near future, he departed toward Glam Gas Land, until he finished the mission in May. 

  He returned to Heavens Arena during early June, but didn't continue to challenge the floors, instead resting using the money he earned, chilling in the shopping and entertainment levels.

  During his short vacation, he encounters Hisoka again, spotting him immediately from afar seeing his eye-catching aura. As he is in his self indulgent vacation, having nothing to focus on as at the Hunter Exam, Beiyu takes out his phone and takes a few photos of Hisoka, behaviour that attracted the magician’s attention.

  Despite Beiyu’s movements are quite fast, hiding back his phone to not alert the magician, Hisoka does come closer to him in a blink of an eye, asking him what he was doing.

  Embarrassed, Beiyu admits he did secretly take a few photos of him, showing the phone screen where there’s the last photo of Hisoka’s side face.

  Before Hisoka can comment on his behaviour, Beiyu apologises in advance, suggesting to offer food or something in return.

  Hisoka doesn’t answer the suggestion, instead asks him where he has been. Beiyu, being clueless as to why he is asking this, answers honestly that he has been mostly at Heavens Arena after the Exam, thinking he is referring to the time they met at the Hunter Exam.

  Hisoka is speechless about his reply and asks a second time, asking more specifically where he has been in these two months. Beiyu is even more confused at the specific question, but being still guilty of having taken photos without permission, he does answer honestly that he was on a mission in Glam Gas Land.

  Hisoka doesn’t react much, but looks him from feet to head, before changing the topic back to the offer Beiyu did suggest at the beginning.

  Beiyu’s reaction is fast and quickly agrees. They don’t speak much to each other on the way, but Beiyu kept staring at the magician from time to time, fascinated by the colour of his aura.

  After treating Hisoka the cake he requested specifically, the magician nonchalantly asks Beiyu to have a match at the Arena, being refused since Beiyu doesn’t plan to fight, not being motivated by the glory or the thrill.

  Right after the refusal, Hisoka attacks him by surprise, while Beiyu avoids the attack with a bit of difficulty, being weaker in combat but quick in reflexion, in addition to his constant attention on Hisoka’s aura.

  But the magician snatched away his phone in the short exchange and mockingly deleted his photos, before taking a photo of Beiyu and throwing it back, leaving Beiyu to stare back flabbergasted while Hisoka laughs walking away.

  Not wanting to waste the opportunity, Beiyu came to know about Hisoka's gonna have a fight two days after. He went as a spectator, taking several photos as a memory, admiring Hisoka’s fighting skill and enjoying analysing his strategies.

  Despite this, he left Heavens Arena the second day on 9th June, quitting the challenge and moving toward Glam Gas Land again.

  The previous customer was satisfied with his work and was willing to present him to another customer.

  The reward of the mission is attractive and satisfying, Beiyu accepts and takes another few months travelling with the customer as a hidden bodyguard, secretly using his Nen ability.

  A while after his birthday, during middle August, he concludes the mission perfectly and his name is spread in the circle of customers, leading him to become a mercenary hunter.

  Travelling for jobs, he kept moving between continents and focusing on earning more money, planning to take a long vacation in the future.

  Yet from February, Beiyu started to notice he did encounter more troubles during his missions, sometimes attacks were not aiming to his customer but him instead. He quickly collected information and came to know his ability was being coveted, someone was considering him as a dangerous threat and was aiming for his life.

  He started to gradually refuse new missions and faiting his existence from people, keeping contact only with really close customers.

  Late spring, he encounters Hisoka again at Heavens Arena in the corridor of the 200th floor. Perceiving him being in good mood, Beiyu ignored him not willing to anyhow influence him, treasuring the bright colour he was seeing in his aura. Surprisingly, Hisoka greets him first and strangely acts as if they are close.

  Not knowing why the change of attitude, Beiyu thought it was just because the magician is in a good mood. He just smiles back and plays it along, until Hisoka goes away and leaves him in deep confusion.

  He discovered the reason for Hisoka's good mood’s reason on 10th July, witnessing the fight between Gon and the magician, greatly impressed by Gon’s potential and aura. He took several pictures in the process, attracted to the power he could sense from their fight.

  He passes his 22th year birthday in Heaven Arena, buying a cake for himself. He  kept staying in Heavens Arena until 8th August, when he received few job offers at the same time, including a few anonymous requests and a bodyguard job offer from the Nostrade family. Despite being tempted to accept, in the end he refused them all, finding having this amount of offers at the same time extremely suspicious.

  Asking a few close customers, he came to know about the Underground Auction. Not willing to be involved in what already feels like a total mess, he went far away on vacation and completely shut down his business number, disappearing from the troubled hunter world.

  The next year, during May, he lost contact with Shise. His messages are left unread and unanswered.

Relationships from Beiyu’s point of view:

  Shise: really close friends. Met during the Hunter Exam and have been in contact from then. Great combat companion and good chemistry in collaboration.

  We do understand each other and don’t mess up with each other, leaving privacy and being both reliable toward this relation.

  We leave quite a lot of messages to each other, but we don’t really expect the other to reply or anything, but we both are sure the other will read it and that’s enough for us.

  We are both seeking for something we have no idea what it is, so we can relate to the other, I feel like a connection from the soul. Though he is annoying and even more so since he has become a Chimera Ant.

  Hisoka: hard to describe, occasional bed partners. I like his aura and Nen, is fascinating and attractive. His strength and intelligence are all things I like. Yet I have no idea what he thinks about me, if I am boring or interesting. Probably he can’t decide either, since his attitude towards me is really unstable. But one thing for sure is that he hasn’t killed me yet, so I guess it is a pass and we do get along for the moment.

  He does complain a lot in private about he didn’t know I can lift Nen curses before and that if he knew, everything would have been much more simple when he was searching for a Nen exorcist for the Spider’s Leader.

  We are much alike in some way and we both know that. It’s funny how after a night together, waking up the next morning is a constant surprise for both, since sometimes he has already left, sometimes it is me who has gone, and more rarely we are both there.

  Illumi: occasional business companion. I did meet him before but never talked much, only because during the mission we happened to be there. After Shise told me he did liked Illumi somehow, I started to pay more attention to him, even more when Hisoka did said something about him.

  I am still unsure if I should apologise to him, since when Hisoka did say they were engaged, I thought they were in a serious relationship and gonna marry, so I tried to cut ties with Hisoka right on the spot. Something Hisoka still laughs at me. After having a better understanding of the content of the engagement, I felt guilty for misunderstanding, especially since I know Illumi as a really professional person. But Illumi doesn’t know about my misunderstanding. If Hisoka didn’t tell him, things would be really unlikely.

  Gon: subject to pay attention. Never talked in person, I only saw him from afar and heard about him through Hisoka’s mouth. I am tempted to get to know him, but I fear I am not good to approach. I may be a bad influence.