Ghosty-Birb  Bought mustard

The idea behind these little guys is really cool, I wish I was around for Black Licorice, they're really pretty but also one of my favorite flavors ouo

Thank you! They are true little pranksters. 

Ginseng on hold

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Thank you! :D Plz let me know when you sent the payment.

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can i claim cucumber with a small hold ? 

Thank you! :D Plz let me know when you sent the payment.

Thank you so much 💕 it's will be for the 28 if it's good for you! 

OK, I'll hold till 28th.

Hi! Just want to tell you the payment have been sent to you 💕

I need to sleep now since I need to wake up early~ see you soon!

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Thank you! :D Plz let me know when you sent the payment.

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Thank you! :D Plz let me know when you sent the payment.

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can i get beetroot if he's still available ; 3 ;

OKIE! :D Plz let me know when you sent the payment.

all paid <3 thank you!

Claiming Wasabi, but a friend is paying ;;-;;

Thank you! Please let me know when they sent me the payment. :>

They should be sending it now, I asked him to leave my name in a comment o7

No new transaction yet from both of my links. 

Ack, miscommunication on my end, they sent me the money

I'll forward it over shortly o7

Has been sent now o7