Wallace VonShweetz (Designer Notes!)



Sweet: Brownie Waffle Stick ♂️
Rarity: Rare
Alignment: Rein
Sweeticalware: Fork | Jeweled Bow | Round jewel
•closed eye (common)
•colored sclera (uncommon)
•odd-shaped pupil (squiggly vertical slit, rare)

Untraited details/other notes:
• Hair is made of a wafflelike material.

•The fork is a two-reeded flute horn thing. I define a fork as something you can hold on one end and go stabby stabby with multiple points on the other.
•I imagine he has apraxia of lid opening/inability to open his left eye easily. Whether he has a lazy eye or a missing one or just wants to be winky or something else entirely is up to the buyer.
• the calliope and trailer are not intended to be subweapons. They're just custom possessions.
• I suppose he unintentionally become something of a snake charmer, as in charming snakey fella. The snake bit mostly from the weird eye and the waffle patterns being reminiscent of scales. Actually, considering the fork flute, I wouldn't be surprised if he had a split or forked tongue so the tongue isn't stabbed haha. (His design's disorienting on purpose then, I say pretentiously as I huff the copium)
• The calliope, trailer, and constantly-closed eye are optional, the sweeticalware is not