Eve Diabolique



Eve Diabolique

Nicknames: Sister, Caretaker, Ma/Mom (ghoul's only out of trust & affection), what ever name Sodo feels like calling her lol.
Sister of Sin/ Ghoul-caretaker

Gender/pronouns: Female She/They 
About: She is the Ministry's Ghoul Caretaker. Her job is to care for the Ghouls. 
She makes their food; nurses them back to health if sick or injured ie: Sodo's pinky finger  
She patches up their clothes, keeps the Ghoul's den clean.  She makes sure all their needs are met. She's become a bit of a mother figure to the Ghouls and she loves them dearly. 
Side note: She has a fairly thick Southern accent.  She's also a little technology illiterate.
Pansexual + Polyamorous 

Likes: Cottagecore, reading, bunnies, journaling, sewing, sweets, cuddling with the ghouls. Over all acts of service 

Dislikes: Rudeness, uncleanliness, wasting food and big dogs