Christian Mayor



9 months, 28 days ago


≋ **Name** ≋ Christian Mayor

≋ **Age** ≋ 26

≋ **School Year** ≋ Sophomore (failed a lot of classes)

≋ **Gender/Pronouns** ≋ he/him

≋ **Species** ≋ Golden Eagle

≋ **Personality** ≋ Cocky, arrogant, and entitled. Christian is one to not care about anything but himself and what he can buy to please himself and others. Though comes off as an idiot, he is smart enough to know right from wrong. But most of the time is lazy and doesn’t dedicate himself to anything but. He is flirtious to many. (Tell me if you're comfortable with flirting or not, don't wanna make things uncomfortable)

≋ **Club/Hobbies** ≋ Soccer Club, loves driving his expensive cars around, parties, pranking, not doing homework (reason he is still a sophomore at 26)

≋ **Job/occupation** ≋ None, he doesn’t need one.

≋ **Background/History** ≋ Christian was given the whole world around him. Giant birthday days, cars, and even a house. This made him incredibly entitled to a lot of things. His parents ran busy lives so having things around him kept him distracted, but ended up doing a lot of stupid stunts, like having house parties, car racing and more. One thing he loved to do the most was play sports, soccer preferably. His parents wanting him to succeed like them, they sent him off with a soccer scholarship. Though this was mostly so he could stay out of trouble.

≋ **Morality/Their Goals (optional)** ≋ Become a soccer legend.

≋ **Subject/Degree/etc they’re studying for** ≋ Soccer Scholarship with business studies as a minor.

Extra- Christian is 6’4 in height