So I’m unsure how you work haha but I have these beauties I’m looking to part with I’d love to get art of my persona more than anything since she is a baby I plan to keep forever. I’d love something close to their worth but can talk if your interested in any ^^

Ah unfortunately I can’t see them bc of the nsfw block :( ty tho!!

Ty ^^

id love a custom from ya for the 20$
would we possibly talk about it in dms or whatever platform u prefer to use?

waa okii!! I prefer discord if thats ok w/ u!! 

yea np!
i also prefer discord
mine is
parcel_phone ^^

I can offer this lad! :0 I'd really like it if you could make it properly lined and stuff though as opposed to being sketchy as IC is both a cs and has a high value but that's not exactly mandatory, just would be highly preferred

ahh i rlly like that design, i wasn’t aware they were apart of a cs tho oTL! my sketches aren’t all that messy tho!! it’ll be similar to this  but depending on the idea i might be able to line it!!

That sounds okay to me! As for the c. species they're a mortemite, I don't know much about it myself admittedly but you should be able to find the species lore on deviantart I believe? It isn't as well known as dainties at all but its still a cs,,, I don't think there's an established community or website you need to join so it should be good in that regard if you're worried about that! Would you be interested in doing a custom for them? :0c if yes I'd prefer to switch to discord as sending images and such is easier for me there

I would love to offer a trade! Graveyard is off limits, Personas are offlimits! If not, I might be able to do the 20$ if all fails :))

i didn’t see anyone I’d use but if you’re still interested i can accept $20! 

Let me discuss it with my guardian and I’ll let you know if it’s possible! <33

take your time 

We talked about it, And I’ll have to get one next week if that’s alright!

That’s totally fine!!

i could offer some art/a fully shaded custom! i dont have many examples in my newest style, however i can draw an array of body styles not just muscular.

I'd be willing to trade these two guys for a possible custom?

as much as i love the first one i donno if i’ll actually be able to use him oTL

tysm for the offer tho! :3 💕💕

not the second one either? 

unfortunately, no :( 

thats alright thank you for looking at least

Here’s what I have up for offer rn! Would also possibly interested in trading art if it interested ya too :D

waa i didnt see anyone id be able to use atm oTL but tysm for the offer :3 💕💕