


1 year, 1 month ago


Name Meow
age 4 Cycles (About 26 Human Years)
gender Male
pronouns He/Him
species Wolf
orientation Poly, Demiromantic
Size Large, chonky

code jiko


The dumb bastard wandered just a little too far from his family as a young juvenile, resulting in a nasty cougar attack. His life was spared thanks to a patrolling pack of wolves. However, the pack expected use of the young wolf, taking them back to their own pack. They trained the wolf combat, survival, and the like. He was tasked with the defense of the alpha's son, forever being bound to his side. As time went on, he was given the name 'Meow', a stab at his previous accident. He never liked it, but after a while it was all he responded to. He soon forgot his past life, instead being bound to his pack. At the loss of his alpha, the wolf grew closer with the wolf he was set to guard. He was almost always near, defending the other with his life. Although he was surrounded in seriousness and heavy discipline- It never really altered his friendly and upbeat personality. While on a patrol party with his packmates, Meow returned to discover his companion was missing. Feeling out of place without him, the wolf set off- Having no interest in the pack without the other. He now roams Aurora Valley, looking for a place to call home and hopefully his dear companion.

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Polite Sassy
Cautious Impulsive
Social Reserved
Intelligence Ignorant
Emotional Rational
Productive Lazy

Meow is often told to be immature, playful, a bit 'childish', a care free spirit in the body of a wolf- But he tends to also be dishonest, bold, adventurous, cocky and unafraid- Sometimes he gets himself in trouble but often times he weasels out of it- One way or another.

Meow is selfish in most instances- But a passionate lover. The wolf is often a 'macho' fella, believing most emotions are weaknesses. He is very selective when it comes to revealing his innermost vulnerabilities, only those he trusts most able to see behind the veil of his deception and brash façade. Only those lucky (or unlucky) enough to get close enough to him, can see his deepest desires and vulnerabilities.

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