Mint C. Cake's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

Luuci Global Rules

Feel free to do whatever with my designs EXCEPT for the following:

  • Resell for more than the character's base worth unless value has been added. (Personal art, comms, etc. add into worth)
  • Use my designs for hateful content (Anti LGBTQ+ themes, Racism, etc.)
  • Take my designs off of Toyhouse
  • Detransition trans intended designs aka no taking Transmac based characters and turning them into ladies please.
  • Trading any of my designs to Phaze/Phazed_ or anyone who supports him. Doing this will result in an immediate block and permanent blacklist. 
If I find for any of these rules to be broken, I will do anything from a small warning or to a permanent blacklist depending on the severity of the issue.