Queen Kobold Auction




SB : 35$

Min : 2$

AB : -

What you will get :

- Picture without watermark

- if more than 100$ : headshot full color ( EX. https://www.furaffinity.net/view/52389629/ )

- More than 60$ can do payment plan ( 50% deposit within 3 days then 50% left within 1 month )

Sending file by google drive.

Payment by PayPal / Kofi within 3 days

No refund.


1. You can change the design as you want.

2. Don't make Close/Open species out of it.

3. Credit me when you use this picture.

4. You can resell but the price cannot higher than when you bought.

5. Don't delete my credit in the picture.

Twitter : Altern015

Furaffinity : ZyfetaliaZero