
9 months, 24 days ago


Vincent Torvalds-Wright, or Gates, is a technology-obsessed electropathic vigilante. Known as the Disruptor in the field, they have the ability to make any modern technology "BSOD", or Blue Screen of Death, while protecting older technology due to some unknown restriction on their power. From something as small as a smartphone to something as large as the New York City billboards, if they want it offline, they can make it go offline -- and sometimes when they don't want to, too. Older technology isn't affected by this power, as previously stated, so it's not uncommon to see them with an old Gateway laptop running Windows 95 on it, or using a Nokia to call their friends who have smartphones, or playing on their N64 while their friends play on their Switches a couple feet away.

They are the embodiment of all things 80s and 90s aesthetic. They lean very heavily into the Vaporwave aesthetic, mallsoft, cybercore, old internet, webcore, and unreality. Essentially, they are my entire aesthetic and I wish I could be like them.

They love wearing any gaudy, out-there clothing. Brightly patterned Hawaiian shirts, windbreaker jackets, roller skates, patterned sneakers, sweatshirts, rolled up jeans, checkered pants, their whole vibe is that aesthetic. Vapor95 clothing, for anyone familiar with that site.

Has a tiny, gold-furred mouse named Microsoft Bob; drives a purple racing motorcycle a la Kaneda's in Akira. Their main car is a refurbed Toyota Sprinter Trueno AE86. Probably. They like the things I like.

My main "sona", so to speak! I love everything about them and it's kind of hard to put them into words sometimes lol.

They/them pronouns exclusively please. They lean more masculine, but they're nonbinary.

Icon by the amazing sommie!!