Starflower Scabiosa Pearl



10 months, 13 hours ago


Starflower Scabiosa Pearl

Personal Alias Stella

Pronouns She/her

Gem Type Pearl | 40LS | 10384.SSX

Age +35,000

Orientation Sapphic

MBTI | Enneagram INTJ | 6w5

Theme Are You Satisfied?

HTML Pinky


Friendly Reserved
Polite Rude
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

A beautiful darling with sharp blazing eyes, your typical prissy perfect-cut essentially. Scabiosa is prim and proper, albeit with a floral twist of mischief. But all else, she's known to be of austere nature, demure and sophisticated in both manners and tones, often accompanied with an impenetrable poker face that never seems to betray her composure. Scabiosa's form possess that of an effortless unwavering elegance, dainty yet precise movements, akin to that flower petals.

You said you could beat me? Very well then, I'd like to see you [try.]


Order and control

An organized pearl by nature, Scabiosa prefers to keep things "how they should be." This is often prevalent in her own work ethic, to even her expectations of others. If something involves her, Scabiosa /will/ make sure it goes as planned, playing into her control freak nature.


With a sharp mind and shrewd personality, Scabiosa often finds herself the role of the director. She knows her way in the game, and her competitive nature certainly doesn't help with this aspect. Of course she woulnd't necessarily /hog/ the leader role, it's just...if you're performing poorly? Prepare to be overthrown.


She loves gardenning, and has quite the extensive knowledge regardling organic studies. She finds them...charming, if you will. Very lovely indeed.


Scabiosa isn't the most extroverted gem around - often finding solace in her own quiet company. Although she wouldn't mind sharing her space with those she loves.



Pretentious snobby gems who act like they're above the rest, especially if they try to enforce that self-made hierarchy onto her


Ignorant or overly pushy people who can't take a hint, they will be deemed as 'uncouth' in her eyes, perhaps even look down on. Nonetheless, you shouldn't test her. All anger are converted into malice for this dame.

Dirtiness and disorder

It's unruly, as she calls it. Scabiosa /despises/ messiness, being an organized freak and all. She dislikes chaos, especially trouble makers. It just messes everything up, y'know?

Pointless gossip

Scabiosa finds them to be a waste of time, and occasionally even childish. It'd be a different story if a person she dislikes is involved, however...


Further Insight

Prissy Miss Perfect

Constantly maintaining a perfect pearl image, Scabiosa is your almost-posy straight-A student, known to be unapproachable in her relenting methods and habits. She's not snobby, no, but is incredibly competitive. It's first place or nothing at all. This isn't all, of course, a good impression around your elites always give you a little advantage in your daily social life, no?

A Fox Who Plays Coy

To those who know her well are unfortunately frequent victims of her shenanigans. Sly, cunning, and even mishchievious. Scabiosa has a field day everytime one of her prank gets pulled off. Fortunately for her, the pearl keeps this side hidden well around the Authority. To them? Starflower Scabiosa is just a mellow servant who can do no wrong. This side rarely comes out during her workmode.

Austere Bookworm

Despite her regal beauty, the lass is no extrovert, Scabiosa would much prefer to enjoy a good book on her own time rather than socializing. Large gatherings or crowds aren't exactly her thing, and frankly she finds small talk unncessary, exhausting even. But nonetheless, the dame wouldn't mind sharing her space to those she held close, perhaps even a tease and a jab. Truthfully, she's also no fashionista, her jewelries and garments are mostly gifts from a familial, but to be fair - Scabiosa prefers to keep herself presentable, anyways. A pearl is no perfect pearl if they don't uphold their appearance, wouldn't you agree?

Floral wonder

Scabiosa is truthfully quite fond of organics, especially plants and flowers. There are stacks of books about plants and organic biology in her gem, and she also took up a bit of gardenning! While she can grow flowers and vines with just a flick of command, Scabiosa still tend to prefers the "real deal," if you know what I mean.

Conniving tongue

Shrewd and sharp in her wit, Scabiosa knows her way around conversations quite well, despite barely participating in them. To be frank, she's no stranger to social etiquettes, or the act of conversing, the dame is one stars of a sweetalker should she try. Sweet talking or shit talking, either works...





Paled Turquoise Pearl


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.