Kirin Wang (望麒麟) (Full Bio)



 Kirin's Dance | 麒麟之舞 


  • Name Kirin Wang (望麒麟; Wang Qi Lin)
  • Qi Qi (麒麒)
  • Nickname 
  • 19

  • Age
  • Male (He/Him)
  • Gender
  • Species   Dreawriter(Uncommon)
  •  Introvert   Extrovert 

  •  Intuitive   Observant 

  •  Thinking   Feeling 

  •  Judging   Prospecting 

  •  Assertive   Turbulent 

"I want to keep your eyes on me."
"Conscious minds -  aren't they amusing?"
"Shh... breathe softly."


Outwardly, Kirin is gentle and playful. He often speaks quietly and has been complimented for his melodic voice. The dreawie is very graceful with his movements and holds conversations with small smiles. He is entertained by social interactions and prefers observing. However, he rarely expresses his honest opinion. As a result, others value him for his uplifting presence more than his advice. The dreawriter seems flirtatious, but he never considers his actions more than complimenting.

He hopes to make lasting impressions on his audience with beauty, which reflects in his performances and dreams. Almost all of his time, including outside of work, is spent practicing. 

Inwardly, the dreawie's incredibly critical of his pieces, drafts, and choreographies - many of which are scrapped (perfectionist). He is obsessed with how others perceive his work and can quickly lose motivation in the face of criticisms or disinterest. Nevertheless, he tries not to show people how much he cares about their 'trivial' reactions. Kirin experiences routine physical and mental burnouts. Throughout his life, he's attached to individuals that validate him.


He's often seen in colorful kimonos that are half tied around his waist. Kirin's many accessories include gloves, collars, and garters to hold objects. He's especially interested in traditional Japanese & Chinese headpieces. He's adept in his usually heeled shoes. 

While long nails and make-up are required for most performances, they're too much effort to wear normally. 

  •  Birthdate  August 7th (date of design creation) 
  •  Sexuality   Panromantic, Demisexual
  •  Status   Single
  •  Job   Artist, Dreawriter, Part-time Dancer
  •  Residence   City Apartment
  •  Obtained   Raffle | Approved Uncommon MYO
  •  Voice   Will Jay (Chinese & English)
  •  Theme   Pocari - Trifect

  • ● Qi Qi (his stage name/nickname), comes from "kirin" (qilin) in Chinese
  • ● Has cough drops & Advil on his work desk
  • ● Wakes up at 7 AM or earlier, whether or not there's work
  • ● Sips oolong tea as he works
  • ● Often subconsciously humming
  • ● Loves spins, especially fouettés
  • ● Bilingual; speaks English & Chinese (prefers English)
  • Working 
  • Asian cultural dances (main interest in Chinese and Arabian)
  • Ballet
  • Heights
  • Makeup
  • Picturesque scenery
  • Sweets
  • City nights
  • Small spaces
  • Darkness
  • His mistakes
  • Coffee
  • Late nights
  • Horror
  • Being ignored
  • Catcallers (on the street & at his workplace)


Kirin moved between his relatives many times during his childhood. His parents most likely abandoned him, but his guardians refused to acknowledge their existence. All he knows is that his father was at least partly demon - specifically originating from the rural mountainous regions of China. 

He was under the care of his aunt in the city for the longest period of time. She was loving, but she was much younger than her sister and an irresponsible guardian. While she was out with her friends or at work, Kirin wandered through the city streets alone. He loved going out at night when neon lights painted the buildings. The dancers of a nearby restaurant would take him under their wing with his frequent visits. Kirin admired the control they held over their bodies. Eventually, they offered to teach him the basics, pleased he was a fast learner. 

He'd return to this city when he moved out at 17 years old. His last guardians, who had only cared for him for a few months, happily let him go. In the beginning, Kirin survived off bare necessities. He was both a dreawriter and an artist as he couldn't afford to commission pieces. Later on, however, he wouldn't rely on other artists because he wanted his dreams just the way he envisioned them. Soon, he turned to part-timing side jobs. He was hired as a dancer at a bar when he turned 18. The dreawie was belittled by his coworkers, who were full-timing and higher-ranked. However, Kirin didn't care if they respected him - he cared if they respected his performance. Still, when he gained a bit to spend, he dressed like his coworkers. Even though he had to toil to maintain this appearance, he refused to degrade himself. 

Despite being a lead dancer, Kirin was extremely underpaid. The higher-ups capitalized on his passion that kept him in the business. He even sometimes performs without pay - it's debatable whether he has a job or a hobby. The arrival of a new boss, however, brought kinder employees. Nowadays, he's mostly a freelancing artist drawing commissions for other dreawriter's dreams. Kirin rarely finds the inspiration to write his own dreams anymore. 


Brytanni [friend]
Kirin is fascinated by Brytanni's shyness that defies her obvious skill and hard work. While the two, each with their own perfectionist visions, are a terrible team, Kirin is always willing to lend some sunscreen.

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Kira [friend]
It's always exciting with Kira. One day, Kirin hopes he can work with her on dreams as he adores her music. He also hopes he could eventually make a living out of his passions like Kira. For now, he's happy to enjoy tea with her. 

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