


9 months, 9 days ago


He/it/xe/ae. A man (gender neutral) made of goo! He's relatively laid back, but worries for his friends and is very much afraid of either making the wrong choice or being too late in situations where help is needed. He is effectively immortal and can only really be injured by extreme heat and moderately to extremely strong acids.

Gooby was made in a tube in Black Mesa Arizona, which is just the facility from Half Life but a liiittle different. Xe wasn't actually supposed to be so gooey, but something went wrong during xyr creation. Xe was targeted by scientists and the military as a potential bioweapon for xyr ability to fit into nigh-airtight spaces and near inability to be harmed - but ae resisted and eventually (with years of reluctance) they gave up on attempting to contain aem.

- Tea, especially fruit tea
- Its friends & family
- Telling stories and fun facts

Design notes
- Gooby can change his consistency at will, but involuntarily becomes less viscous with negative emotion and tiredness. He sleeps in a little puddle.
- His eyes are indeed mouths, and his real eyeballs are hidden in the back of his mouth. He usually has little problem seeing despite this, though will open his mouth to see better
- Incredibly shock-absorbant, though depending on the impact will feel pain from it and become dazed
- Separating parts of his body does not hurt or really affect him in any way
- Aer teeth are the only solid part of aem; ae probably won't, but can bite!