Daixue (待雪)



9 months, 30 days ago


NOTE: The character description here is a mess because it was a message I sent to my friends. I'll try and rewrite it to be nicer someday lol.

Next up are these two foxes I adopted that weren't part of the other group (my 9 little foxes group)—I think I forgot about them since it's not like I got the original files to put in my sta.sh smkgjfdshs—so I humanized them based very loosely on these two humanoid little guys I adopted hehe. 

Daixue is a blue morph Arctic fox. Daixue is actually one of my other Arctic fox OC (Xueling)'s other names from way back, so now the story is that when Xueling was an Arctic fox who befriended a human that turned embittered and so Xueling felt embittered and became alone, Daixue was part of the group of Arctic foxes and was actually really into Xueling—perhaps because he travelled a long way and was captured by fur traders, only to be saved by Xueling? So when Xueling left, he followed him and learned about his Daixue name and adopted it for himself (Daixue means "waiting for snow," and Xueling means "snowbell").

Along the way, Daixue meets the playful yet ruthless Cuiju, who loves fighting and is potentially a Bengal fox, and becomes friends with him (I guess they're a ship now //WHEEZE). Daixue's personality is one of those...manga-y personalities where they're headstrong but bubbly but also kind of don't take no for an answer. He's not going to stalk/force himself on Xueling and it won't be too much of a love triangle, but he's still a nuisance about his feelings. 😂

When Daixue finally catches up to Xueling though, Xueling responds with "WHY ARE YOU HERE" and Shizhu is pretty oblivious to this guy having a crush on his boyfriend at first KGKSDJFGHS

Theme Song: 
First Love Confession - TFBoys
First Love is Not Beautiful - Jessie伊

Bonus theme for him falling in love with Cuiju:
Snow Is Falling - Zhou Shen