


10 months, 1 day ago


Hayato's goal is to find eagle peak, since he's heard of stories of the place where everyone can live in peace and about the river with healing powers. He's self-willed and does everything the way he wants, rarely giving others time to talk or give ideas, which often leads to arguments. He learns to be more considerate of other peoples feelings and let his pride and ego down. He's independent and a good strategist

Positive Traits:

  1. Independence: Hayato's independence makes him a self-reliant and resourceful character, capable of navigating challenges on his own.
  2. Strategic: He possesses strong strategic thinking, which enables him to plan and make well-informed decisions, a valuable trait on the journey to find Eagle Peak.
  3. Determination: His unwavering determination to reach Eagle Peak reflects his strong sense of purpose and resilience in the face of obstacles.
  4. Self-Willed: While this trait can be both positive and negative, it initially shows his strong sense of conviction and self-confidence in pursuing his goal.

Negative Traits:

  1. Stubborn: Hayato's self-willed nature can make him stubborn and resistant to other people's ideas and suggestions, leading to arguments and conflicts.
  2. Impulsive: He may act impulsively and rush into situations without considering the consequences, which can sometimes put himself and others in danger.
  3. Ego and Pride: His pride and ego can get in the way of forming meaningful relationships and can make it difficult for him to admit when he's wrong.
  4. Lack of Empathy: Initially, he may struggle to consider other people's feelings or perspectives, prioritizing his own goals and desires above all else.
  5. Closed-Minded: Hayato's initial reluctance to listen to others can make him closed-minded, limiting his ability to learn from different viewpoints and experiences.

Signature items:

Red Fox: Hayato is intrigued by red foxes, which are known for their cleverness and adaptability. He sees them as a symbol of resourcefulness and cunning, qualities he admires.

Yarrow: Yarrow often grows independently in the wild, mirroring Hayato's independent nature and his preference for doing things his own way.Yarrow is a hardy plant that can thrive in various environments, reflecting Hayato's adaptability and ability to navigate different challenges and terrains throughout his journey.