
9 months, 15 days ago


Dante, also known as Dan, Danny, or Doo, is a white-lipped turtle. A remarkable fighter, he wields his agility and precision with a sense of enigmatic self-assurance. Life's trials led him down the path of the streets, where he struggled relentlessly to secure sustenance for himself and his younger brothers, Mutt and Flip

Dante's journey took a fateful turn when he was thrust into the heart of the Battle Nexus, lured by Big Mama's promise of a brighter future for him, Mutt and Flip. Within the Nexus, he quickly rose to prominence as a spectacular combatant, capturing attention with his merciless approach and an aura of graceful rapidity. His style starkly contrasted the traditional brawn of his competitors. However, the cost was steep—after a particularly brutal encounter, he lost an arm.

This grave loss served as a turning point for Dante. The allure of the Battle Nexus waned, as he realized the true price of his choices. Trapped within Big Mama's manipulative grip, escape seemed impossible. Hope materialized in an unexpected form: the turtle brothers—Leo, Mikey, Raph, and Donnie. Through their companionship, Dante glimpsed the possibility of liberation.

Together with the turtle brothers, Dante orchestrated a daring plan to break free from the clutches of the Battle Nexus and its deceitful allure. Through a skillfully executed ruse, they staged Dante's, Mutt's and Flip's death, paving the way for a new life.

Calm and composed, he carries an air of tranquility that belies the depths of his emotions. His caring nature is palpable, expressed through his unwavering dedication to those he holds dear. However, his reserved demeanor makes it challenging for others to fully grasp his thoughts and feelings.

Fiercely protective and patient, Dan's devotion to his younger brothers is undeniable. He assumes a guardian role, a steadfast presence that nurtures and shields the kids from the trials of life. His patience is a wellspring of strength, enabling him to weather even the stormiest of situations.

The scars of his past, particularly his time in the Battle Nexus, have led Dan to a profound transformation. As he escapes its clutches, he dedicates himself to nurturing the lair and the children within it. His affinity for kids blossoms into a significant part of his identity. The path he treads takes a pacifist turn, avoiding violence unless it's an absolute necessity. His combat strategy shifts to a more defensive stance, showcasing his prioritization of protection over aggression.

Dan grapples with the challenges of PTSD and insomnia, which are the remnants of his tumultuous past. Despite these struggles, his innate caring spirit remains untouched. He wears his battle scars, including the loss of an arm, as testaments to his resilience and growth. While the absence of a limb may occasionally annoy him, he's made peace with it, refusing Donnie's offers for a prosthetic.