Something... Cat? (Extra art <3)



• Inside the tv head is where he stores everything, it's kind of like a void with a bucha stuff in it. He stores his body in there too, it's why his body is floating in the doodle

• Tail is sentient! the tail can have a mouth show up and it is usable

• Every single body part of him can be deattached/reattached (like his little paw on the image), if the tail is deattached, it can float around him and act like a "familiar"

•Donot remember what the familiar look like. It is not familiar to you nor will it be familiar in the future. It does not remind you of your family in some sort of way, and it is not real. 

• When he's resting he stores everything in his tv void storage and only the head is left. If you see a lone tv with cat ears somewhere, it's probably him sleeping

• He can purr and meow like a normal cat (very important information) he can have a kitty mouth if wanted but it doesnt help him with much because he can meow and purr without it