


8 months, 18 days ago



lesbian, i dont think i thought much on her gender and prns like shes whatever..What frekaing ever. in her 30s-40s i think 40s, gaymarried to acacia, prev in fixer world with her and genie and siki

stoic cold aloof etc all that, unmovable. Unmovable force of nature. she is like a brick wall and also shes built like one shes huge shes my tallest employee. and yet she uses that damn crossbow. what has the world come to..? Lowkey i need to put all my employees in a new file she soo deserves king of greed ego. anyways that and shes blunt but she isnt cruel she can actually be like surprisingly gentle towards others (Other people specifically cause she can be mad brutal while fighting,) gentle giant kinda thing? has a soft spot towards children, onorio's a bit of an unfortunate case bc she pities them deeply but theyre just so like..dude get out of here. mega realist she kinda has her shit together like she accepts situations as they are and knows her actions have consequences + shes willing to accept them but shed be sweating in her danganronpa execution

has faulty..whats the word she cant remember people's faces well/remember people by face. she sucks at it and barely recall other employees names unless she already knew them and she usually has to ask micaela for help. her and micaela will spend hours trying to recall someone acacia saw while reporting report like "the one in info with the purple hair" "bentley?" "no the other one" "..there is no other one" "What?" 

lowkey limbus stole from me shes like meursault. THEY STOLE FIZZY LIFTING DRINKS ok shes like meursault but with a liittllee ryoshu sprinkled in for the "what the hell are you saiyng ever"ness.. i think.. guys i didnt actually care that much about limbus ill be real. this is kinda like a journal i dont know why i dont journal

in the past i always pictured her as a lop bunny if she were an animal and its not even really right but its a beautiful vision from me. i just cant see her as like a "cute" soft bunny anymore like if she Were a bunny i feel like shed be one of those fucked up nasty hares genie would be too. shes like watership down rabbit i think i just wanted her and micaela to eat kale together 

writing these is so easy what the hell did i do with aseras page

complements micaela in like every way they are life partners they are a package deal. has a brotherly relationship with genie and siki she will pick them up like no problem and scurry off while onorios like NOOO BRING THEM BACK NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! she shows more emotion near them like you're more likely to see her laughing and smiling ths is her famsquad. have witnessed unimaginable horrors together and they will continue to. And its time to ruin my designs tab further.