Bradford Ellison



8 months, 8 days ago



Name Bradford Ellison
Designer honeypiee
Gender Male
Obtained50$ from designer
Significant Other None
Rules [info]
Species Anthro Tiger


  • Stripes don't have to be exact. 

Bradford is a puzzle solver who revels in the challenge of a truly difficult query to solve. He fancies himself a hunter of mysteries and tracker of answers, and his quick wit leads him to discovering the truth behind almost any case he truly puts his mind to. He's determined, ruthless, and will do anything to get the answers he needs.

His job is his life, and any investigation he takes on will quickly absorb all of his time and thoughts, often isolating him from others as he dedicates every fiber of his being to the truth and finding the truth. He tunnel visions everything unrelated to the case.

He is brash and bold, and while he can be polite- he tends to put people off by not being very chatty or friendly to engage with. He can turn on the charm to get his way into knowledge- but would rather catch someone in a lie through crafty wordplay and his silver tongue.


  • He never misses reading a morning newspaper. It's not so much that he cares what's in it, it's therapeutic for him in a way. 

Bradford is the son of very...normal parents. His father was a construction worker and his mother a daycare worker- neither of them very bright, nor very ambitious. Being a brilliant child, Bradford felt like he was constantly being treated like he was stupid. He was always searching and pursuing a chellenge- something to learn. Something to solve. He hated the mundane of boring public school and its easy lessons and constantly felt above his peers when it came to finishing his work and acing tests

Naturally, he dedicated his life early on to becoming a detective (most certainly spurred by a healthy addiction to mystery novels as a child). 

He is currently on the case of tracking a string of mysterious dissapearances who all seem to be connected to a peculiar art gallery. 


  • Solving problems
  • Ballroom dancing
  • Coffee
  • Reading newspapers

  • Impossible problems
  • Law enforcement who suck at their jobs
  • Driving- finds it tedious
  • Being bored

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.