Sammy (Backstory 🦈)



  Sammy lost his parents due to an unknown cause and found a mother figure in one of the great mechs in planet Novel-Bolide. 

Sammy had been with their parents until one day they just didn't come back home. She waited and waited, but nobody came back to greet her at the door. One day, her gut feeling told her that they were never returning. She ventured off into the sea floor; exploring the kelp forests and coral reefs until she came across the vast empty desert of the west side. This area belonged to one of the greatest predators of the sea, no creature wanted to step in their path. As Sammy was curiously darting their eyes around the new unexplored areas, a looming shadow washed over them. His eyes slowly trailed upwards to find themself looking at a great shark, The Snapper. The Snapper was a shark, just like Sammy, and soon enough Sammy imprinted on it and followed it everywhere it went. Through deep dark tunnels of the sea and above craters of sand, they were swimming together. Nobody knows if the great mechanisms of Novel-Bolide are alive, but sometimes when Sammy fell asleep at night, the Snapper would let Sammy curl up in their arms; both sleeping with one another.