Carlos Rodriguez



8 months, 9 days ago



full name - carlos rodriguez
fc - will ramos
date of birth - october 13 (21)
occupation - equestrian
hometown - texas
current residence - his family's horse farm in texas


parents - miguel x rosa
siblings - none
children - none
extended family - several aunts, uncles, and cousins as well as his paternal grandparents
velvet sequoia aka "vee" - 6 year old chestnut trakehner mare
ironclad honey aka "honey" - 2 year old paolomino thoroughbred filly
flying snow aka "snow" - 4 year old dappled gray (black) hanoverian stallion


positive traits - confident, friendly, quick learner, animal lover, not a push over
negative traits - overly competitive, arrogant, short temper with people, low self-esteem, pushes himself too hard
goals - compete in the olympics and become a world famous horse rider + trainer
fears/phobias - never making it to the olympics, mice, snakes
hobbies - knitting, chess
quirks & habits - chews on wooden pencils when nervous, grinds his teeth when angry
pet peeves - people who chew with their mouth open and people who send their senior horses to auction or otherwise give up on them


likes - cherry flavored anything, arabians, big dog breeds, trail rides, skinny dipping
dislikes - spicy mustard, chihuahuas (and most toy breed dogs in general), people who believe in "red mare syndrome", trainers that don't give younger kids or kids that come from less wealthy families a chance, valentine's day
favorite foo - rice and beans, specifically his grandmother's rise and beans
favorite drink - baja blast from taco bell
favorite show - hannibal
favorite song - centuries by fall out boy
favorite movie - war horse
favorite mobile app grindr

growing up in new haven, on his family's horse farm, sparked an early and immediate love for horses in carl. his family came from old money, had been breeding horses for over a hundred years on his father's side. his mother was a highly sought after horse trainer and carl had always wanted to be as good at it as she was. he was in the saddle before he was even walking. he feared no horse, and was competing in local horse shows by the time he was five years old. his love for show jumping was instantaneous. he always felt like jumping made him feel like he could fly. of course, he trained in dressage and cross country as well, but his main focus these days in show jumping. he wants to become one of the best, one of the greatest, and he knows he has it in him to do it.

his parents are, of course, supportive. seeing as he's an only child, carl was spoiled when it came to horses. he always had whatever he wanted when he came to clothing and equipment - and even the horses themselves. and since he lived on a horse farm, and his parents owned and trained and boarded dozens of horses at a time, carl pretty much had his pick. whatever he wanted, he got, and it made him feel invincible. powerful.

of course, when it came to end of middle school and into high school, this started to lead to some trouble for carlos. he hit a rebellious phase. hard. he got into heavy music, the alternative style, and even smoked pot a handful of times throughout high school but after a firm lecture from his family about how it would take just one failed drug test to end his career as a professional horseback rider before it even began, he called it quits on any sorts of drugs. however, he still ended up being a bit of a party boy when it came to alcohol and school parties. how he managed to win ribbons while hung over, he will never know...

coming from a semi-religious background, his music choices and style were frowned upon (mainly by his grandparents) but carl drifted further and further away from religion. he will still join his family for christmas and easter services at the church he's been going to since he was a kid, but he doesn't claim it as his own religion. it's started to form a rift between himself and his family, but they still get along fairly decently, all things considered.

after high school graduation, carl dedicated himself to his equestrian career 100%. he spends at least 6 days out of the week at the farm, and if he's not riding, then he's helping out with the barn chores. even if he doesn't "look the type," carl is absolutely dedicated to the horses. he's determined to make a name for himself in the industry. his world revolves around horses and competing.

of course, that's not all he does... he does also spend a large amount of time on grindr (which his family doesn't know about) and hooking up with random people. boys being boys, ya know? he doesn't have a preference toward any gender, doesn't care so long as he thinks you're hot and you are a decent person. he tries not to let the party and clubbing scene distract him from his goals, but on the rare day or two, he wishes he didn't have to work so damn hard.


Carlos gives off hyper golden retriever puppy energy. Hyperactive almost to a fault, Carl can often be too much to handle for the more laid back types of people. He is spontaneous and lives life to the fullest. He firmly believes in the whole YOLO thing and having no regrets. He sometimes tends to be in a "no think, only do" mindset and this can often lead to trouble. He's always the life of the party and lights up every room he walks into. He can get along with just about anyone, so long as they're willing to give him a chance. He is competitive and definitely an over achiever. He wants to be the best at everything he does. And while he doesn't like to put people down, in the heat of competition, he has said some not so nice things before.


Friends have never been to difficult for Carlos to make. Keeping them, however, has proven to be... interesting, to say the least. Most of his friends are involved in the horse world in one way or another, and with Carl's competitive nature, it has put a strain on some of those friendships. And then there's the people that only wanted to befriend him for his family's money... The Rodriguez family is old money, have been living in the area of New Haven for at least five generations, and were always heavily involved in the horse community. Carl is open to any sort of platonic ships, including toxic ones, but I would like for him to have at least a small group of friends that are all loyal to one another. Perhaps they're horse people as well, people he can go trail riding with on days he's not training or competing.


Carl is very, very close with his family - for the most part. As an only child, he's been spoiled for his whole life, given anything and everything he could ever possibly want or need, but he also was made to work for things as well. From the time he was a toddler, really, he was doing farm chores. He's got a good head on his shoulders, even if sometimes he does some stupid things that his family does not agree with. Right now, the biggest strain on the family is Carl's sexuality. He's not quite out of the closet, but he's not fully in it, either. There have been rumors of him sleeping with other men, and it's not something they approve of, but with no proof of it... there hasn't been any confrontations about it... no interventions.... yet.


While Carl does have a low-key romantic side to him, he also generally does not have the time for relationships. Instead, he just sleeps around to his heart's content, using random hookups to fill the voice in his heart that a lack of a romantic partner has left. He's never had a serious relationship before, but he has casually dated (or rather, gone on dates) with people before. His training and showing schedule is just a bit too chaotic for anyone to want to keep up with. He doesn't blame them. He's a workaholic, honestly, and doesn't want to give up his career for the sake of a love that may fail. Especially not now, when he's in his prime.


If anyone else has any horsey type peeps that they want to throw at Carlos, please feel free to! His main focus is show jumping, but he does also compete in dressage, cross country, three day eventing, etc. as well as helping to train horses on the farm, and working as an instructor for students that come to the farm to learn how to ride. Outside of horses, he's also a big party boy. He likes to have fun and tends to go 0 to 100 real quick in all that he does. He's probably got undiagnosed ADHD (his family aren't big believers in mental health or psychiatry) and in general can be A Lot for people to deal with.