Miki's Comments

OKAY hallo i am from the tpbm thread :D 

sorry if the songs arent too detailed since Miki has no info im just guessing hahaha


  • Coin Operated Boy - okay anything dresden dolls reminds me of the circus/clowns/jesters that entire vibe .. they seem like. a little Whimsical if that makes sense, like a lot of art i assume is of them performing & it make me think of this song
  • Just Another Day - This song has some darker lyrics with a twinge of paranoia, i imagine Miki could have some underlying saddness/weirdness underneath the surface since its a popular trope for clown/jester characters.. I dont want to give you two oingo biongo songs so here is a bonus one i also think could relate to Miki 
  • This is the Day - a more upbeat song with melancholy lyrics. my thought process for this is a lot of the time characters in circuses or jesters dont like their jobs/ dont like the people around them at least so I think a song about wanting to leave is pretty good for MIki :D
  • Miki originally got the haircut when they were a little kid- in childhood they were bullied, and often were teased by bullies who would attempt to randomly cut off chunks of hair. However they didn't let this bullying affect them too much and instead decided to embrace a lot of the things they were teased for - including the hair! They cut it into this unconventional but stylish cut :D
  • The long and wide sleeves help Miki during performances, making them look more stretched out and exaggerated while doing tricks. Miki is aware of this since they sew all their own costumes to achieve the desired affects
  • In general, I think Miki is a very self made person, so I think that everything about themselves is curated by themselves. Miki did all their own piercings and is lucky enough that so far, they've done a pretty good job.
  • Scars/bruises really easily which is why they're totally covered
  • related to above ^ messes up a lot in practice, which puts a lot of pressure on them as they just want to succeed. While actually preforming, though, it's as if a spell or something has been cast & they rarely EVER mess up
  • If they were to mess up during a performance I imagine it would be a MASSIVE deal for them.. depending on how professional they are I could see Miki storming off stage or swearing loudly
  • Very polite, was raised with royal-like manners which often makes them the subject of teasing. 
  • Deep down though, has a lot of anger within themselves, which can be targeted towards themselves or towards others.
  • Has attempted to write poetry/explore other arts other than their performances, but found no success.
  • A major perfectionist, which is why they often give up when they know they cant achieve perfection within something

Ahh tysm! I love all the hcs 💖💖 I’ll listen to the songs later :D