Satomi Kirijo (Family)



2 years, 3 months ago


  • Mitsuru Kirijo

Satomi's mother. Satomi holds Mitsuru in very high esteem, having admired her since Satomi was a little girl. Though Mitsuru was a busy woman, she made a great effort to be present in her children's lives. Mitsuru can be quite overprotective of Satomi and has a tendency to coddle Satomi. But Satomi has always been okay with it, because deep down she feels she's just not that strong. Satomi admires her mother for many things: her commanding presence, her confidence, her poise, the list goes on and on. Deep down, Satomi fears that she is not enough, an unworthy heir to her mother's legacy. Satomi greatly desires her mother's approval but she is quite oblivious to the fact that Mitsuru takes great pride and joy in Satomi already.

  • Raiden Kirijo

Satomi's adopted younger brother. Satomi loves her little brother, who joined the family when she was 7 years old. Satomi had actually been there when Mitsuru visited the orphanage. Satomi couldn't explain it but there was just something that drew her to Raiden. Satomi cares deeply for her little brother but since her return from Japan, things have been tense. Raiden's been feeling uncertain about his place in the family so he has very mixed feelings about Satomi's return to Port Island. Satomi has been struggling with how to help Raiden understand that he does have a place in the Kirijo family by simply being himself.

  • Hanae Kirijo

Satomi's maternal grandmother. Hanae has a strained relationship with Mitsuru so Satomi actually doesn't know Hanae very well. She does somewhat dread Hanae's visits however, because Hanae is often critical, though it comes from care. Things slowly improve, however, as Satomi spends more time with her and helps Hanae come to terms with grieving for Satomi's grandfather Takeharu.