[S] Daisybloom



9 months, 19 days ago


Quote here


Caring > Daisy is a kind-hearted and loving cat, she displays concern and affection for most anyone. Daisy will always try to lend her paw to any cat in need and will do what she can to help them out. Soft-hearted and compassionate, Daisy sometimes wonders if cats take advantage of it.

Optimistic > Daisy always likes to see the bright side of life, trying to find the silver lining in the grey clouds, she is always hopeful things will get better. Cheerful in her attempts to encourage her clan mates she’s adamant she’ll watch them all bloom!

Gentle > Even as a young and rowdy kit Daisy is gentle with her words and her actions, she is generally pleasant to be around. Daisy is merciful and forgiving, believing everyone deserves a second chance.

Polite > Daisy is well-mannered and considerate of those around her, she chooses her words wisely and never seeks to upset anyone with them. She is very tactful with the words and phrases she picks and tries her best to use her words to convince others of better things.


Maternal > Daisy loves kits and loves mothering those around her. She is openly affectionate and protective of her family and those smaller and younger than her. She looks to guide and teach with a big smile on her face.

Social > Friendly and talkative, Daisy loves to be around other cats, she is always happy to make a new friend. Daisy can be playful and likes to join in with those of her age, she also enjoys helping out those older and more mature than herself to learn new things. Daisy is easily able to navigate complex interactions and knows how to interact with a variety of cats of different temperaments and ages.

Tranquil > Daisy has a calm, peaceful temperament and is relaxing to be around, whilst she can be boisterous and lively, Daisy knows when to calm down and take it easy. She knows how to read the room and will bring a calming presence when things get tense.

Sensitive > Daisy is tuned in keenly to those around her, she is easily able to notice slight changes in tone from cats and will automatically try to comfort them. Daisy is also very tuned into the world and notices changes in birds songs and the behaviour of other animals.


Emotional> Daisy is rather emotional, she wears her heart on her paw and gets upset easily. She’ll listen to and believe any sob story a cat might want to tell her and will believe it with all her heart.

Unassertive > Whilst she is social and loving, Daisy lacks a bit of confidence in herself. She’s rather passive and doesn’t say too much when someone does her wrong or treats her badly. At heart she is a lover not a fighter and well, it leaves her to be rather submissive towards those who are louder, bigger and more confident.

Hopeless Romantic > Daisy is in love with the idea of love, she wants nothing more than to be swept off her paws by some steady tom or she-cat. She does sometimes look into others intentions a bit too much and sees affection where another might not. Daisy falls in love easily and quickly which does lead to some heartbreak.

Gullible > Daisy can be a little naive at times. She tends to believe what cats say to her assuming they have the best intentions at heart which can ultimately lead to them pulling the wool over her eyes and tricking her with misguided intentions.


Prefix meaning
Named for the floral litter theme and the paleness of most of her pelt
Suffix meaning
For her growth as an individual
Previous names
Daisykit, Daisypaw
Dai, Dais

Marsh clan
Past Clans
Past ranks
kit, apprentice
Mushroomstep [deceased]

Current Apprentice
Past apprentices
12+ moons


Appearance > A stocky, short legged, fluffy cream and black calico she-cat with floppy ears.
Build > Short and rotund
Fur > Thick but smooth and well kept, longer around her cheeks, belly and tail.

Scent > Orange blossom and milk.
Voice > Bambi's mother : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRJyyCU2Sy0


Breeds: Moggy

Height: 15cm
Weight: 7.5 ibs


Scars >
Accessories >
Bans > Short Legs [minor ban]
Other items used > small accessory




fish, toads & frogs cus they're slimey


When Daisy gets upset she tends to get a bit teary-eyes, puffing out her cheeks and ruffling her fur in an attempt to stop it from happening



  • Agility [5/10]
  • Stealth [7/10]
  • Speed [6/10]
  • Strength [8/10]
  • Endurance [8/10]
  • Climbing [6/10]
  • Swimming [5/10]


  • Sight [5/10]
  • Scent [6/10]
  • Hearing [5/10]
  • Taste [4/10]
  • Touch [8/10]


  • Den Building [7/10]
  • Battle tactics [6/10]
  • Hunting tactics [8/10]
  • Kitting [0/10]
  • Herbal [0/10]
  • Niche* Poetry[7/10]
  • Sign Language [7/10]


>> Honeybee > Mom > Gold tabby trans-molly > Mothflutter > Deceased
>> Rogue Surrogate > NPC


>> Tulipwhistle > Littermate > Red tabby she-cat > @Chekkas
>> Poppysky > Littermate > Gold tabby tom > Thrushgh0st
>> Irisgrove > Littermate > Brown tabby tom > Melontine
>> Pansysun > Littermate > Gold tabby demi-girl > StarfruitWings



>> Name > Description > User


>> Name > Description > User


Previous Mates
Romantic Interests
Ladybugheart [love - former, deceased]
Looking for
Interesting in kits
Preferred family size


  • brave, considerate,
  • calico and torbi patterns
  • trait


  • mean, rude, igronant
  • plain, solid colour pelts
  • trait


(Edit and add headers as needed)

Kithood [0-6 moons] >

Daisykit was born to Honeybee, alongside her siblings Tulipkit, Poppykit, Iriskit and Pansykit. Life was sweet and blissful for awhile. Curled up innocently with her family unaware of the world around her. From the star, it wasproving to be a rather difficult time for the clan. Bullflower and Larktrail were killed somewhere on the clans territory, and as the season grew colder Mallardsun would eat bad prey and die, Toadcackle would also pass to fever.

Admist her peaceful kithood the clan would be attacked by the empire. Whilst she and her family would stay safe with Honeybee inside the nursery the rest of the clan would fight for their land. Lillydawn and Dapplecrash being killed by the empire. Though it was not without their own losses, Basalt of the village and Fallow of the forgotton also fell too Marshclan warrior's claws.

And whilst they licked their wounds, Snaketongue, Hyacinthsky, Snapcreek, Cedarbark, and Pipitchirp seeking herbalist help for their injuries, Lightember was taken prisoner. Daisy would spend her kithood playing happily with her siblings and the many other cats in the nursery. The clan seemed to be booming with happy families and Daisykit couldn’t have been happier. Though sometimes she felt very left out of her brother's games when she wasn’t allowed to join his ‘knightclub’ whatever that was. Silly toms.

As the days passed on clan life continued too, with those injured leaving the herbalist den and returning to warrior duties. Somehow lightember also made their way back to the clan, though Daisykit was far more upset by her brother’s antics to really ask about it. Soon lightember would have her own kits Sootkit and Sturgeonkit.

A lot happened that Daisy didn’t understand, like Shadyfog moving out of the nursery to continue warrior duties… did they not want to care for their kits? It was exciting when Cedarbark moved in though, a whole new warrior to ask questions!

Though the single most exciting thing in Daisykit’s tiny life was when Frostheart gave birth to Dandelionkit, Ladybugkit, and Fernkit. Though the small fuzzy balls didn’t move much to begin with, it wasn't long before her and Ladybugkit had become fast friends. Squealing with delight anytime the younger kit would play chase around the nursery with them.

They were practically inseparable by the time Ladybugkit was up and moving around the nursery, often found sleeping together or exploring the den. Daisykit couldn’t help notice that everyone else seemed to be growing quickly and she was well… still small. Her legs just didn’t seem to grow?!

Not that Ladybugkit minded, even when they grew taller than her too! No one else seemed worried about her little legs and so, neither did Daisykit!

Things were pretty normal for Daisykit, she’d spend her days playing with ladybugkit and showing the younger just how cool the world was, until Daturacloud and Sundropsight moved in.

Daisykit didn’t know if she liked them very much. Sundropsight was loud, very much so. Though he knew a lot of games and songs and rhymes and was always happy to play. Daturacloud was quiet and peaceful, he slept a lot and told them bedtime stories but they were *huge* and tall and daisykit was scared they’d stand on her… which they never did.

An attack happened, or so she was told and a rogue called Bellflower was allowed to stay in the camp whilst they recovered. Sundropsight seemed to be on guard much more whilst Bellflower was around, and always seemed to sit outside the nursery. Daisykit didn’t know why, but she felt safe knowing the caretakers wouldn’t let anything happen to them.

Daisykit was sad when Daffodilsplash and Newtgill died, though she didn’t know why. They’d gone out on a walk together and then never made it back. It was very sad that they would never see their loved ones again, or another sunset… Daisykit spent that night curled up with Ladybugkit, realising she would be at her saddest if Ladybugkit wasn’t around anymore.

Sometime later Bellflower joined the clan, becoming Bellflowersnow, though by this time Daisykit decided she must have gained the clans trust or she wouldn’t be staying. Then Dandilionkit was taken to the herbalist den, Daisykit worried for the younger, but was preoccupied with her games with Ladybugkit. In an odd turn of events a group of cats smelling very different arrived at the clan camp, requesting refuge after their camp had been taken over by a group of rogues.

Daisykit learned this group of cats had come from cloudclan, in her opinion the number was oddly small for a clan. After a few days she learnt that these were not all of cloud clan, but just a small pawful that had made it there. Her heart hurt for the shattered clan and separated families, extremely happy to be able to cuddle up with all her siblings that night.

Not given much time to dwell on the thoughts, her apprenticeship was right around the corner.

Apprenticeship [6-12 moons] >

She would be made an apprentice with Lionpaw and Sundewpaw, as well as her siblings. Given Mushroomstep as a mentor Daisy looked forward to her training. Pansypaw was given to a scary looking tom called Taloncry. He was *huge* and scared and well, scary. Daisypaw really hoped they’d never have to train with him for she was certain he could crush her under one paw.

Shortly after beginning her apprenticeship antpatch would be brought to the herbalist den after being found wounded by a patrol! Daisypaw worried that she would be attacked on a patrol and she hadn’t been training very long at all!

Saddened by the lack of Ladybugkit to train with, Daisypaw found it hard to get into her training, really she just wanted to play with her friend. Daisypaw liked Mushroomstep, but sometimes wished she had a mentor who could help her confidence a little more.

It was only a moon later when Roachpaw and Fleapaw joined them in their apprenticeship, reminding Daisy it wouldn’t be long before Ladybugkit would be sharing the den with her once again, and she wanted to be able to train with Ladybugpaw and Ladybugpaw liked to play fight a lot so she had to get better at battling.

Daisypaw started to request more joint practice with other apprentices so she could get better at battling, then she’d be able to impress ladybug! One day whilst out on patrol Daisypaw found a very pretty flower, and she liked it alot so she picked it. Proudly taking it over for Ladybugkit to see, the younger said it’d look really pretty on Daisypaw. So Daisypaw decided to wear it in front of her left ear.

Apparently the clan had been searching the tunnels for other cloudclan cats, and daisy was very happy she hadn’t been asked to help look for the tunnels seemed very scary and something to get lost in. After searching however, two grounds of cloudclan cats were found and brought back to Marshclan for herbalist treatment.

Daisypaw was very tired after days of hunting with all the additional mouths to feed; she worried that Marsh clan would also be getting weaker and less fed. What if they were attacked too ? she supposed they had more warriors with cloudclan around, but what if they didn’t help ? Oh it was all too much to worry about! She wished she could have just stayed with Honeybee in the nursery.

Despite the ever growing amount of cats in Marshclan they continued to search the tunnels and surrounding areas for more cloud cats. Daisypaw did her best to help where she could, but she was afraid. The tunnels; she feared them. Thankfully two more groups of clanclan were found and brought out of the tunnels, seeing families and friends reunited reminded Daisypaw that the burden on Marshclan’s territory was worth it. Prey would become plentiful soon enough and seeing tired eyes of those who remained relaxed at the familiar faces were good enough for now.

Alongside the cats that came from the tunnels a cat by the name of Claypaw was allowed to stay in Marshclan, helping search for other Cloudclan survivors, Daisypaw assumed Claypaw would eventually leave with Cloudclan then.

It was not all doom and gloom as Butterflypaw finished herbalist training and was given the name Butterflydawn! It was an exciting day knowing they had another herbalist now to help support the clan. Unfortunately Dandelionkit was rushed back to the herbalist den when his condition became bad once more. Daisypaw did her best to support Ladybugkit as much as she could, but it seemed her apprentice ceremony wasn’t as enjoyable for the other she-cat with her brother being held back.

Bellflowersnow was revealed to be a spy for the empire, she feld the moment someone rooted her out and well, Daisypaw hoped to never see her again! How dare she become one of them, gain trust from others just to claw them in the back!? Who did she think she was!
Daisypaw’s anger changed as quick as the winds, equally as excited as Ladybug by Dandelionkit getting better and becoming Dandelionpaw. Oh how exciting!

Finally the clans pushed back against the empire, on the day of the attack Daisypaw felt her pelt alight with pricking nervousness and tension. Paws trembling as she watched fellow clan mates and cloud clan friends set out to rid the territories of the deer dwelling cats once and for all. Part of her soul felt sadness for the empire, many of them were probably cats just like her, just wanting to see their family thrive and return home another day.. But something had to be done and Daisypaw could make peace with that.

She trusted that if any of the empire cats needed a warm nest and a place to call home not a singular clan would turn them away, right? The clans were led by those with compassion and understanding, not mouse-hearts and fox spirited individuals.

As the day grew to a close batters forms would start making their way back into the camp, and for Marsh clan the attack had ment nearly no deaths. Sundewpaw was injured but nothing that couldn’t be recovered from. Hackberrytoe was the only death sustained by marsh and so the clan mourned and spoke of his bravery. Daisypaw wondered if she would ever be as brave to give her life for another clan like that… she hoped so. Claytansy and Kitewillow where brought to the herbalist den for sickness, one they didn’t seem to know… one that would kill quickly. At the time Daisypaw assumed it to be a normal illness, one that they would recover from so she didn’t give it much thought outside of asking Starclan for their health.

Excited to be a warrior, Daisypaw was torn by leaving the same den as Ladybugpaw. Again. Sighing at the thought of leaving her best friend, she knew it wouldn’t be long before Ladybug would join her in the warriors den! Becoming a warrior with her siblings left her filled with pride. Pride for herself, for her brothers and sisters, for her clan and she supposed her mentor too.

Daisybloom was proud to be a marshclan warrior.

Warriorhood [12 - present moons] >

New-leaf came in with change, and a lot of it. The sickness that Daisypaw hadn’t given much thought to, suddenly seemed all the more important as Daisybloom. Especially when Butterflydawn began to show symptoms of it. The crushing stress she’d felt when cloudclan arrived, and when they battled the empire returned all too suddenly made only worse as the death toll began to wrack up.

It started off small, Mushroomstep became fatigued and was taken to the herbalist den, then Pearldance also was taken in after being unable to stand on her own. Things just seemed off. Claytansy and Kitewillow suddenly passed away to it and Rubblepaw too after the symptoms were missed.

In the midsts of all this Waspstar stepped down as leader and Egretbranch took over. Daisybloom wanted to celebrate, especially after all Waspstar had done for the clan in his time as leader. She cared very little about that when Irisgrove became ill with the sickness too.

Her entire world seemed to be falling apart at that moment, how could her sibling get ill - would Irisgrove die too?! Oh no, no why was this happening?! Why wasn’t starclan guiding them?!

Daisybloom spent that night crying in her nest, waiting for the news that her sibling would die and she wouldn’t get to say goodbye. By the morning, puffy-eyed and snotty-nosed, Daisybloom realised maybe, just maybe, she was being a bit melodramatic and surely, Irisgrove would be just fine.

That confidence was wiped away with Mushroomstep’s death, whilst she wasn’t very close with her mentor, it still hit her like a freight train.

Moon 246 They got two very short moons together. Her excitement and joy of having her closest friend back full time had feelings and emotions bursting forth in her little chest. Whenever she was Ladybugheart she felt as though her heart was going to beat out of her chest!

Waking up early in the morning she'd decided today was the day! She was going to tell them how she really felt. Grabbing Ladybug's favorite fresh kill, smoothing down her fur & with a tail held heigh she approached the calico, smiling softly in greeting. Her words of love and confession from kithood crush died in her throat, curling into fear as the scent of smoke hit them.
Whirling around to see the elders den had gone up in flames, shuffling a step closer to Ladybugheart the space was cold. The other warrior had stepped past her and making their way to the den now set ablaze. Tears welled in her eyes as Ladybugheart shouted they had to put the fire out, charging towards the flames.
Swallowing the lump in her throat she screamed for Ladybugheart to get back... to stay with her, but they were gone before they'd finished. Flashing her signature bravado smile before charging into the chaos that would kill her. A whimpered 'but I want to tell you I love you' as she fell to the floor in tears.

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