Augustus Deering Waller



9 months, 23 days ago


Augustus Deering-Waller 

Human | Effeminate Male [He/Him] | Squirrel Bi | Late 20s – Early 30s [Gemini] 

Height: 6’ 

Design Notes: Kinda scruffy, fluffy | Dresses effeminately [dresses, cold-shoulders, V-necks, skirts] | Just the fruitiest, most neurodivergent body language you ever did see | Looks perpetually confused | Wears quite a bit of jewelry [for stimming] | Covered in a myriad of little beauty spots | Has small scars on his hands and feet due to clumsiness | Refuses to wear shoes around the shop | 

Personality Notes: Extremely easily distracted | Easily excited, very enthusiastic, bubbly | Jumpy | Very animated; talks with his hands, leaps in joy, face is extremely expressive | Rarely ever angry, will begin crying | Very shy and awkward around people he likes | Trips over his words a lot [thinks faster than he can talk] | Optimistic + Altruistic | While normally very happy, he does harbor a lot of guilt for things that aren’t his fault | Allows others’ thoughts about him to get to him | 

  • ADHD [combined]; Moderate Anxiety; Moderate Depression; Mild OCD

Powers/Abilities: Life-Giver [can animate inanimate objects]; Gift of the Phoenix [can bring the dead back to life] 

Important People: 

  • Roxine Roosenfeld – “Daughter”
  • Megan Sparks – Wife 
  • ((TBN)) – Childhood Friend/Crush 

+ Friendly 

+ Helpful 

- Admittedly a little Naïve 

- Mentally shuts down when confronted